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so on the 1st of this month ive been on a diet which is consistent of

celebrity slim (chocolate) shake for breakfast.

3 hours after that i have lunch which its normally a sandwich ( not sure if its a ok choice to have everyday)

then 3 hours after that is dinner were i have what meal we can make but have a small amount.

i drink only water and have asleast 2lts a day

but i feel like im not doing it right i feel like i aint going to loose weight and its bring me down and upset

i also do 30 mins on the treadmil before breakfast and 30 mins after dinner both on speed 5.

am i doing ok or do i need to eat something different then sandwichs and even smaller dinners

im only lost 2kg since doing it and yeah help

Posted by liana shattell, 11th January 2014

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  • I think you can substitute up to two meals a day usually when you are on a shake program, but I would check, as they are all very different. You still need to have some regular types of food, and you are doing the right things with portion control. It does take a little while in my own personal experience for that initial amount of weight to come off. You are doing a lot of good things, so hang in there and good luck 🙂


  • Mix up your meals a bit so you’re not always eating the same food. And step up your exercise regime too. Mix that up,a bit, don’t always do the same thing. Your body gets use to routine and doesn’t change


  • I would mix things up a bit. A routine of food can be detrimental to a weight loss programme. You’re exercise sounds ok, just mix up your diet a bit


  • instead of a sandwich for lunch I would have a salad with a form of protein for lunch. I think everything else you are doing sounds about right. basically if you eat plenty of fruit and veg as well as protein you cant go wrong. Plus at least 30 mins exercise a day then you should start to see results soon 🙂


  • I don’t diet per say. I try to eat lots of fruit and veg, lean meat and drink 2 ltrs of water. I still eat biscuits and cake but in moderation and it’s home made.


  • Don’t be in a rush to get the weight off by reducing your food intake too much. Sounds like you’re doing a great job to me.


  • Don’t be scared to eat. Now that winter is here make some soups at home and have that for lunch. Always weigh yourself first thing in the morning. Don’t forget your fruit for morning tea and make some healthy biscuits or cake to have for afternoon tea. This continual eating will help your matobolism work faster so then with your exercise you will lose weight.


  • You will definitely lose weight


  • sounds like you are giving it a great effort, it all takes time, and I am sure you will get the weight loss you desire, stick to it, you can do it.


  • keep in mind that we are not on The Biggest Loser and that small weight loss is a healthier and more permanent way to lose weight. hope you are succeeding.


  • u may have only lost a little this week next may be different dont give up


  • your doing great keep it up


  • It’s difficult to determine just by looking at your meal plan but it does sound alright. To be sure is best to consult specialist to give you a proper diet. Good luck and don’t give up!


  • Hey it sounds like you are doing a great job so far! Stick to it, well done:)


  • thanks 🙂


  • I think u r doing good and thanks for sharing this 🙂


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