
15 Comment

My bub is 9 months old and I have no idea why she is waking up about 6-7 times every night. Am I doing something wrong? Have I been spoiling her by attending to her the minute she fusses? Everyone gives me advices like feeding her solids before bed, let her cry it out, give her a dummy etc. I am happy to do all except letting her cry it out. I just can’t. Even if I do let her cry it out, she could go for hours! I couldn’t let hubby go to work without having a good night sleep. I am so worried that I am doing something wrong with her that is causing her to be so restless at night.. 🙁

Posted by yyon4699, 6th February 2014

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  • Thats hardly sleeping… Hope it settled


  • Hope you are finally getting some sleep!


  • At her age you don’t let her cry it out for hours …. What you do is go in and settle her after 5 mins then the next time you make it a bit longer and so on this way she will get use to that she has to self settle.


  • In my experience, my son don’t want sleep in the cot. The solution we are sleep in one bed. Because hubby need enough sleep for work in the morning.


  • I dont think you are doing anything wrong, its just something kids can do, there is no set of instructions what will work on every child, I hope you found a solution


  • doesn’t mean you are doing something wrong… some kids are just not good sleepers


  • mine used to wake up nearly every hour – they are all different and you just follow your instinct


  • warm baths before bed worked great for my daughter


  • maybe try a warm bath before


  • Thank you so much for the tip. I have been trying a few things and looking up for suggestion. She seems a lot better lately.


  • try a routine, try a nice bath before bed and a nice warm milk.


  • kids love attention. im a sucker now i sleep in my bed with a 4 year old one side a 6 years old the other side and a hubby on the sofa.


  • Look up Pinky Mckay she has an amazing website with heaps of info, this is a question regularly asked by mums on her Facebook page, she also runs sleeping seminars so you don’t have to let bugs cry it out. Your baby is communicating with you… You are doing an amazing job, trust yourself!

    • Never heard of pinky. She sounds like a baby whisperer.


  • You’re not doing anything wrong. Your baby cries for a number of reasons and I don’t think it’s normal for them to ‘cry it out’ when this is their way of communicating that they are hungry or wet etc. Please remember your sleep is just as important as your husbands because you are being responsible nurturing a little life and you need to be calm and relaxed so your baby feels that way too. Good Luck.


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