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To say these past few months have been trying is an understatement. I am sick with worry. My 42 year old man keeps having stroke after stroke. He is currently in hospital & will be for quite some time I think. I can’t begin to describe how frightening it was when the day after he had his 3rd mini stroke in 2 weeks he had stroke of a more serious nature. This has affected his limbs, his speech, his memory & with this disease there is really nothing much they can do as it is very rare. I was in grade 3 with this person, we fell in love at 15, were forcibly kept apart. I found him 2 years ago, on the 15th of this month it will be exactly 2 years. We have plans to be married next year, an exciting life ahead of us but I don’t know what is going to happen now. The frightening thing with moya moya is he could keep having more strokes, the doctors have warned me he most likely will. To what extent I don’t know. His next one could be a massive one or even fatal. The more he has the more he goes backwards. He can’t work at the moment, I am on a low income & work full time. I can’t see a light at the end of this tunnel of mine, in fact I am so afraid of the unknown. I am having trouble sleeping, I have lost weight & am very slim so can’t afford to lose any more. I am also nearly a month late which is a bit worrying although I have had my tubes tied. I don’t know what to do, I don’t drive which makes things harder. I know it’s so scary for my man too. I’m also having to be so patient with him as his memory isn’t the best & it’s difficult to try to make him aware as he thinks we’re accusing him of lying etc. The only time I am not at the hospital is when I am at work, every other hour I have I am there sometimes up to 12 hours a day. I finish work at 5.30 mon to fri go to hospital & spend couple hours with him then make my way home or sometimes a friend picks me up. I don’t know how long this will continue for. I am so scared thinking,the next one could be it.
Posted by sanjipanj, 11th November 2013
june11 said
- 13 Mar 2016
Kell said
- 13 Jun 2015
mom113055 said
- 09 Apr 2015
mom57522 said
- 09 Jan 2015
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