13 Comment
Ever since I was little girl, I always wanted to be a breast feeding mum.
I had my baby just over twelve months ago, and I have been able to live that dream.
Being able to nourish and provide for my daughter was the greatest privilege, it gave us the best bond I believe.
I was able to feed her for twelve month, two weeks and two days, then suddenly it was like my nipples decided to give up. They swelled, cracked and somehow became infected, the whole base was terrible, they felt like they were going to fall off, and I didn’t think that was possible after already breaking through the initial discomfort, and then getting successfully twelve months down the track.
It was so hard to have to deny them to my daughter, but they had to heal, and the pain was unbearable.
Unfortunately by the time the infection had gone, so had
My milk, and that was so disappointing for me, as I wanted my daughter to be able to choose when she wanted to wean, not have my body decide for me.
I’m now 5 days not breast feeding, struggling enormously emotionally, but also trying to give myself credit for sticking at it for this long.
I am missing our feeding time, the way she stares in my eyes and stokes my chest, neck and face.
We have a whole new world of discovery to undertake now.
Posted by melissamckanna, 31st August 2013
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