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Kiera was born two years ago. She was born with no bottom. Yep no bottom.. Okay where her cervix then her vulva shevhadva extra hole and her poo past through here… She had it all inside but not quite finished when She was being put together if you like… Kiera had a major operation reconstruction at eight weeks and all went well … They made her a bottome and a half muscle… Tiers hit all her mile stones a little late but hit them… Jump two years. She had a great birthday and live was good … Then. Two weeks ago she woke with a high fever. And we went to dr he said she was fine …. Okay. Took her home. Later that nightbshevwas crying and telling me her back was sore and when I changed her she was crying and passing poo out her cervix…. No way. She had a tear. We were warned about this… So back to the dr he said no. Not possible I said she has a sore back. She find today … So. Okay I was pretty upset …. So off to the hosiptal. Yep they admitted her. And what happen next well dr was checking her outvshevwas crying pass poo from her cervix …. Also four plus of blood in her unrine. Okay. So I said where to from here … Well we can not do a full urine tap her because of her messed yup insides. We have been in contact with rand wick they want you to ring a dr Doyle … Yep I knew her Kiera,s pedi. Kiera has only. One working kidney.. So on the 4 th of nov this year they will remove the kidney that’s not working. Do the repair and remove part of her bowel that is not working and put a permeant bag on her…. Kiera will then lead a normal healthy life yes she will need check ups .. But no more dramas for her .. This beautiful little girl has had 8 UTI in 6 months. 2 bowel infections .. As her bowel does not work… She needs to take medicine morning and night to keep her stool like water… So by the time she is 2 and half. This beautiful little girl would of had four operations all done at Rand wick children’s one of the best hospitals in the world… I will trust them with my beautiful grand daughters life … Do we have a choice no. … So keep your fingers crossed for us… Please and pray for her … To all the moms out there people say oh how sad …. No it’s not. .. What is wrong can be fixed there is always some one worse off …
Posted by liz007, 25th October 2013
Some_Toss said
- 11 Apr 2016
mom57522 said
- 08 Jan 2015
Michelle said
- 06 Jul 2014
sanjipanj said
- 29 Oct 2013
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