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For some reason women are very selfless givers and it just seems to increase once we have children. I know myself that I hardly ever by myself anything unnecessary but yet buy small gifts for my husband and children to show my appreciation of them. I am the breadwinner in our family and know that we need to save money so sometimes I just forget to buy things for myself. Recently I discovered I only had one decent bra left and not nearly enough undies so went and purchased myself some new items.
I then realized that it had been a very long time since I had done anything to really treat myself so I went and purchased a salon quality skin cleanser and ant- ageing serum. I went in the bathroom and applied the products to my face and came out feeling like a million dollars. We only get one skin and I intend to age gracefully and I’ve been thinking that we need to take the time to nurture and cherish ourselves.
Being a woman, a wife and a mother are all very giving roles at times and I think its important to remember that we are also our own separate identity and in the midst of toddler tantrums etc take the time to remember “who we exactly are”. Sometimes I get so caught up in everything it’s like I don’t even think about “who I am” I am a nurse, a wife, a mother, an aunty, a woman, a friend- but I am also ME.
Posted by preggiegoddess01, 9th May 2013
june11 said
- 01 Mar 2017
mom113055 said
- 28 Apr 2015
mom113055 said
- 23 Apr 2015
mom93821 said
- 05 Jan 2015
mom57522 said
- 30 Dec 2014
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