

It was A dark day indeed for me they day I discovered my weight had shot up from low 60s to low 70s. At 73kg I was far from obese but I was overweight, quite a bit overweight for my size of 5’2″. it was the heaviest i had been in my entire life, a whopping 20kg heavier than my lightest adult weight.

as i stood staring at the numbers on the scales i started to cry and really wanted to eat some thing rich and sweet. HELLOOOOO this is how i got into this mess, we all know this is bad but almost all of us do it anyway. I hated my body and I hated myself.

2 years from that day, I have alternated between diets, exercises and combinations of the two. i have yo-yoed my weight between 65 and back again.
now i am sitting on 70Kg its still heavier than i would like but i don’t hate myself for it i go to the gym and love lifting weights and doing cardio. I have a partner who loves me no matter how i look and supports me trying to get fit and i am now focusing on cm’s rather than kg’s.

In the past 2 months i have lost 4cm from both thighs and i can finally say “i love my curves” even if i haven’t reached my fitness goals.

Posted by stepmom107932, 8th December 2014

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