
6 Comment

A little while ago I posted a story on here about my struggle to conceive a child. I was using letrozole. This is my last course of treatment if it doesnt work this time I am going to have to consider IVF. I am so scared of what this involves and it not working..

Posted anonymously, 9th March 2015

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  • I hope for your sake it’s been working for you xx


  • How are you going? I hope that it was successful for you. I have two siblings that had to go through IVF and it is a very difficult process. Hoping you have a lot of support even if it is just a listening ear.


  • i think that you should embrace this journey. you will cherish your future child more. I know ivf is risky and expensive but your doc will tell you all that you need to know as he will know your medical history. I think that you just have to keep going until you get what you want. Hopefully ivf will work for you if your current treatment doesn’t. Even if ivf doesn’t work, you can still use a surrogate or adopt but anyway, your journey is not over. I don’t know if you have seen guiliana rancic’s reality show but they document her ivf journey. She had to use a surrogate to have her child but she still got there. I know it is hard for you but try not to stress too much about it and i will be sending some baby dust your way **** Good Luck and thanks for keeping us all up-dated.

    • Thank you for your lovely message. I most definately will cherish my future children if i am lucky enough to have them!


  • Thanks, i have tried counselling in the past but didnt find it that helpful to be honest. My fertility doctor is nice though. Maybe he will be good to talk to.


  • IVF is incredibly difficult to go through, even when it works. I suggest you find a very good counsellor with knowledge of the area, and have a chat.


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