8 Comment
We started looking into starting a family after I have turned 39years of age. There were a few reasons for that. So down the IVF journey we went. After 4 years of intensive IVF scheduals we still did not get the result we wanted. So we looked into adoption. Because of our age there were many obstacles but I kept my focus. We were not allowed to do IVF while on the adoption journey. This took us another 3 years before we received our beautiful 4.5 year old daughter. Two years on I have not given up on my hope to be able to get pregnant. But I found that there were alot of prejudice on my mind set and I looked interstate for an opportunity. I found Monash IVF in Melbourne had a more friendly and positive attitute towards my goals. After 15 months trying with them I became pregnant. And now we have a beautiful set of 4year old twins. Alls great with the children but we are homeless at the moment, staying with my ailing mother while my husband has been overseas in the last 5 years trying to bring light to our venture. The bank was less patient recalled our loans and took our home. Need I say more. It is a beautiful day today a bit on the cold side but we are all very healthy and love one another.
Posted by swordfish, 7th June 2013
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