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Okay I went to the dr. And I got some anti depression tablets and feeling better..
Mum never had time for me. ,as the oldest. And having a sister sickly it was always give it to Margaret .. Omg how I hated this sister so..time changes nothing. Except I have another two sisters. One on the Central Coast. And one in Exmouth now..
I have a loving hubby. He is the best very funny. Works on the railway
Still hold hands when we go out ,loves romantic dinners . We love spending time together now our three children have left the nest.. We have four grand children. .
Melissa,s two girls we see all the time . The boys ,well there busy with there own life’s so we do not see our grand sons that much .. But life is good..
We moved to Campbeltown for a fresh start . As my hubby does not drive. Yes ,he does not drive. And he has been moved with work .. So he does not have to travel for ours we moved..so I have resign from everything I was doing . President of a travelling lawn bowls group. Vice President of our district. ,Vice President of our club, . I have walked away from that life .. I now live in Apartment. In Campbeltown and its secured in such a way if I do not like who I see at the door I do not answer it . They do not know if I am home or not and this is how I like it… I have had both hips replaced and both knees . And now I have a major tear in a tendon in my ankle and about to go to hospital to have a operation which will put me off my right foot for 3 months..
It sounds like a sad life. But I,m looking forward to the winter being payed up. . I have movies to catch up on books to read .
Peter bought me a knee bike to get around. So back in the kitchen you will be seeing a lot more of me with recipes .. I love to cook .but no too many to cook for now ., I just add a chicken and corn soup recipe to moth of moms and it’s so easy and cheap as… So life is good new. Free .. Yes I,m upset what my mother did to me . Cutting me out of her will . Leaving me only what I gave her.. But if my sisters will not give me my things nothing I can do about it …
As I said my sister has breast cancer. She has her own issues I wish her no harm ,but I do not want anything to do with the family. Ever again . I have my life they are not part of it ..
If greed and hurting others is what there about. You done your job .
Now leave me alone .. I changed my phone no,s address everything now is silent. So they should not be able to find me .. My children would never tell them where I am .. Also if something should happen I do not wish to go to a funeral of someone I have lost all respect for. And I do not want them at mine .. My mother was dead and buried before I was told. Same goes here ..
Am I hurt yes. I am . Am I in pain some days. But less and less .
I have enrolled at Taff tests Taff back in the school room for me three days a week. Omg after 40 years. So looking forward to it business studies ..
I a,so bought a excellent camera so taking more photos
Reading doing what I enjoy doing .
Love spending quite days with Peter on his days off
Or lunches together when on afternoon shift
I think I,m happy. But I know I,m loved. And I love him and my children does it get any better..
We all have them in our families people that are not happy unless someone is upset …
Posted by liz007, 27th April 2015
mom57522 said
- 09 Jun 2015
Kell said
- 08 Jun 2015
mom113055 said
- 30 Apr 2015
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