
9 Comment

this is my first fathers day without my wonderful fiance, marty, and my little girls first without her daddy. so i thought id share this poem for other mums feeling their loss today

mummy said that it was daddys day

im not sure what that is

i know it means theyre special

so ive sent a special kiss

kids give daddys a present

but i cant give one to you

so im sending you a new balloon

so you feel special too

i wish you could be here daddy

mummy misses you too

but mummy tells me every day

that you love and miss us too

i hope you like your present

ill send one every year

and this day like every other day

ill wish that you were here

Posted by 8lilfrogs, 1st September 2013

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  • Sad for you and your daughter – but a lovely poem.


  • great to read


  • Thank you for sharing your poem.


  • that was truley beautiful… …


  • im so sorry .. i feel for you but that was a beautiful poem


  • I am so sorry for your loss, thank you for sharing that beautiful poem. Xx


  • Hugs to you all – thank you for sharing.


  • So sad that you don’t have him with you anymore but such a touching poem & as long as you keep his memory alive & always talk to your daughter about him he’ll never be forgotten.


  • That is very touching and I wish you all the comfort in the world. How very hard it must be. He will send you signs he is watching over you, and I am sure one day the hole will feel a little less empty. I hope you can feel support in those close to you.


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