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My husband’s best friend (who’s also one of my best friends) and his girlfriend were expecting a baby. She’s a really sweet girl and I like her a lot but she’s very different from all of us in that she’s very earthy and into more of a bohemian lifestyle.

Anyway, she read all these books on the best vegan diet during pregnancy and was always sending me recommendations for yoga positions and meditation exercises and using the birthing ball and stuff like that and encouraging me to go medication free at birth. And she was a big proponent of cloth diapering and using organic products, which is fine for her but not something I’m interested in.

Well she had her baby girl about 2 weeks ago and I found out the other day that she had a really rough delivery and that she did end up choosing to have an epidural. Also, today she sent me a pic of the baby and that was definitely not a cloth diaper wrapped around her cute little tush.

I’ll admit I got a little satisfaction out of knowing that the very things she’s lectured me against are the things she ended up doing. See, none of us are perfect! Anyway, I just think it’s a good lesson as FTM’s that we might think we want things a certain way but once that baby’s on its way, all bets are off!

Posted by missmanic, 11th October 2013

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  • Ahhh yes, no one knows what it is like to be a mother until you have had your first child! Very rarely anything goes to plan and the way that you want it too…


  • little satisfaction


  • I did a few months of prenatal yoga. I didn’t have a birth plan but was hoping all the breathing techniques I learnt would help on the big day but nothing can prepare you for labour! Glad I kept an open mind about pain relief , bath didn’t work for me, gas made me spew and epidural saved the day. Can’t imagine how disappointed this mum would be within herself that nothing she wanted or planned worked out


  • Until you have a baby, you really have no idea!


  • i know how you feel.


  • Haha so know that feeling!


  • Wow not all is as it seams we just sit and smile …


  • Thanks for the smile – great story 🙂


  • Totally agree i have seen the same with many friends and i just have a quick smile.


  • This is hilarious! It’s so easy for non-mums to dish out advice. Glad you got your moment.


  • So true, I can understand that satisfaction feeling 🙂


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