
13 Comment

As summer time is here, and we all start to slip slop slap there are so many things to be wary of. A friend of mine was at a 6 yr olds birthday party yesterday where another child nearly drowned, if you are going to a pool party with a pile of kids DONT DUMP AND RUN! stay with your child, as there can never be too many sets of eyes on the pool! Also please remember to slip slop slap! every bit of sun protection now is going to help our little ones when they grow up! Enjoy summer everyone xx

Posted by deannepritchard, 1st December 2013

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  • Slip slip slap seek slide, so important to remember!! We are blessed with beautiful weather and beaches in Australia, but unfortunately also the highest rates of skin cancer. And supervision for children and any body of water is critical. It only takes a few seconds for tragedy to happen. Be mindful


  • We need to be so care re the use of sunscreen. I heard of a Mum (I know her daugher) who got a melanona and didn’t notice it. The roots from it travelled into her liver.


  • An excellent tip. You certainly can never have enough eyes when watching small children


  • Oh wow that’s scary! Maybe the hosts should have specified if parents should have stayed or not


  • storys are nice


  • Important and good advice on pool safety!


  • Such a great reminder so thankful that this turned out ok


  • can i just add this…. i have neighbours that have a pool and just recently their daughter had some friends over. one friend had gone to the toilet, came out and slipped because she was still wet and banged the back of her head on the corner of a cabinet and died. it was so tragic but just another element that relates to pool safety. Making sure that you are pretty dried off before you go walking around. this poor gal was only young. such a shame


  • i was at the skin cancer clinic today and he had diagnosed a 3 year old with melanoma… eeek! it is genetic but do what you can too avoid higher risk


  • well said the sun is a shocker these days


  • There was another child on the news this morning who nearly drowned and is in hospital. That’s so tyre, you can never have too many eyes on a pool.


  • So true. Summer can be the best season for some but so important to slip slop slap all the time & be extra careful with little ones around water, so glad it wasn’t worse. My 8 yr old, many yrs ago now slipped into a pool. Lucky there were lots of people, I had turned my back for not long at all, very scary. Have fun & stay safe 🙂


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