
12 Comment

Well, it’s raining outside, looks like it’s set in for the day. I should be sad and depressed ay? Not at all! Not only are we in desperate need of some rain, I love it! I love being inside, the fire roaring, sipping a hot cup of tea…..watching the wet weather outside. Today I’m planning on sorting out the photos I have of my new little grandson. Some will go in frames to be placed around my home, seeing his little face brings such joy. Others will be placed in my beautiful, blue photo album I plan to fill with him. The rest will be sent to relatives and friends who don’t live close enough to enjoy and see this wonderful little human in person. I am going to enjoy this wet rainy day ๐Ÿ™‚

Posted anonymously, 29th May 2016

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  • Rainy days are my fave!


  • What a lovely way to see the day and spend it.
    Well done on making the most out of your time and enjoying it.
    All the best to you and your beautiful family.


  • Sounds lovely. I like rainy days if I can stay in.


  • I love the rain too. Snuggling up in bed listening to the rain, snuggling up on the couch reading, cooking and baking, and playing board games with the kids.


  • I love the rain if I don’t have to leave the house for school drop offs etc, it can be quite cosy to be rugged up inside with a cup of tea and a favorite hobby


  • Love rainy days for getting jobs done inside and for getting activities completed.


  • I prefer it to rain overnight. We can enjoy the outdoors when the weather is nice. There is also less vehicles on the roads at night – less risk of accidents from people speeding up instead of slowing down or not driving to the conditions in other ways. I’ve seen too many vehicles on the back of vehicle recovery trucks or in crash repair workshops after bad weather. We can often get our washing dry or dry enough to be aired off on fine days, better for your clothes than being put in a dryer too often.
    We need rain to fill our reservoirs, water our food crops, gardens, stock feed, gardens and native vegetation.


  • I love rainy days! I’m indoors just me two toddlers and a baby and a cat. Currently all playing nicely whilst I enjoy a cuppa beautiful sound of rain on the roof (peace and bliss)


  • Good for you embracing the weather and turning it into a positive!


  • That’s so nice! I generally don’t like rainy days.. if I have to go out! ๐Ÿ˜‰ But if I can stay in, nice warm, doing relaxing activities, I enjoy it too! ๐Ÿ™‚


  • I too am an enjoyer of rainy days. We haven’t had too many, I welcome the excuse of staying inside and being a bit lazy. Sounds like you will enjoy your photo organising….


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