
6 Comment

Hi ladies,

Ok..so I’ve been having trouble with my two little girls and getting them to sleep lately. Their aged 2 and 3…and still definitely need a nap during the day otherwise by 4pm in the afternoon its like a scene from a Gremlins movie. Usually they wake up about 6am, have a nap for about around one to two hours at 11:30am and then go to bed at 7-7:30pm. But since sending them to kindy I’ve had nothing but problems. The staff let my girls sleep between 2-4 hours during the day 🙁 I’ve had multiple meetings and talks with the staff and childcare centre director about the issues but have had no improvement. My girls come home…insane and hyped up and refuse to sleep till around 10-11pm at night. Its getting ridiculous! I’m a full time university student and I have my girls full time other than when their at kindy two days per week so i can study and attend uni exams. Its my routine vs their routine…and has clearly shown me that their lazy and I feel like i’m time and money on childcare.

Has anyone else had troubles with conflicting routines?? Childcare?? Staff??? Or sleep times???

Posted by ReLAYTable, 6th May 2013

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  • No, child care has mostly been cooperative.


  • Try having another chat with the staff, really push home your reasons, see if it changes. I’m sure they’re mostly doing it to make their jobs easier


  • I am experiencing this at the moment and we have made the decision to switch from our current daycare. It as a hard decision but it needs to be made.


  • Not a very pleasant situation to be in.


  • how did u go did u tell them 2 stop giving day sleeps at child care 🙂


  • its a pain when they sleep that makes night a nightmare


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