

I’m sure the title of my story sound very familiar to you all.

I’m always tired. It’s those late nights & interrupted sleep due to the unsettled baby or toddler. The earlier rises are a killer as well. Enough sleep is never enough.

I try to go to bed early, but my mind just races & it’s hard to turn off.

Do I just have to bide my time & realise that it’s not going to change any time soon?

With little energy, my days are harder to manage.

No matter how organised I am, including getting ready for the next day, the night before, I’m always racing around. Mornings are obviously the worst. But us mums just don’t stop. I’d be more than happy to swap roles with hubby for a week to see how he manages.

Anyway, this is written while scoffing my lunch. Hehe

Posted by traceyi, 7th August 2013

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  • My mind always seems to be planning the next day when I’m ready for bed.


  • I know how you feel. I haven’t had a full nights sleep in 7 years. It’s a 24 hour job. I am always on the go and I too scoff my lunch that’s if I have time to have any at all!


  • I know how you feel. Some days feel like they’ll never end, yet at the same time there never seems to be enough time to get everything done.


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