
16 Comment

So Christmas 2013 Done and Dusted! and as a bonus it appears I’ve completely covered next years birthday shopping too! See this year we welcomed a new addition into our little family and as most mums know shopping with baby is tricky, shopping with baby and other children even more ‘fun’. So when I realised I was going to be planning christmas this year with a 5 month old and an autistic wheelchair bound ten year old I knew I would have to get ‘organised’!

So Since June I have been browsing online and ordering my presents, there is nothing I love better than selecting the perfect gift for people so this was an enjoyable task. It was also my first attempt at online shopping, I never had any concerns just never had the need… and lets just say I may have got a little carried away!..did I mention how much fun eBay is? Parent Direct was a delight and Chalk was exciting! so come christmas eve we put the kids to bed and I began to dig out all the parcels I had spirited away during the year, at first my husband was amused, then a little bemused, but nonetheless impressed with my savings & selections!

Posted by mle00, 27th December 2013

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  • I start to buy early in the year and by December I have forgotten where I have hidden some items. I am still looking for a present I purchased for my grown daughter five years ago!


  • I bought so much for my first grandchilds Xmas I gave enough left over for his first birthday and probably Easter. I’m still buying tho


  • I do that. I love it. Come Christmas time, I dig the pressies out of hiding (hoping I remember where they all are!) and start wrapping. I’ve forgotten a lot if what I’ve bought. I enjoy rediscovering them nearly as much as unwrapping them


  • so great to read


  • I must admit to getting organised early too!


  • You sound like a very organised person!


  • It’s now September and I have nothing done for Christmas (as usual).


  • I’m glad I’m not the only one that this happens to!


  • I don’t have that problem any more, I sacked Santa lol.


  • Glad to hear you are so well organized! good on u!


  • i love online shopping .


  • I love online shoppjng but have never considered it for hetting organised in the gift department. Thank you for the idea


  • i have already put my christmas stuff and one kids birthday stuff on layby already for next year too through a site called my layby that way i can do little things through out the year good on you for getting it done sweet fingers crossed i can be the same as you next year xx


  • Lol. Online shopping is very addictive, especially if you love getting ‘mail’.


  • Good job! I’m about to start online shopping for birthdays coming up and Christmas 2014. There’s simply so many savings to be had throughout the year and if you get organised early, the financial pressure is non existent.


  • I’m planning my birthday shopping now with all of the sales! Will probably end up with some Christmas presents too 🙂


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