
22 Comment

I have my L plates, but I never want to go driving. I just scare myself and always get worked up about driving. I never know why I am so scared. I know it might sound crazy. I’ve never been in a accident, I’ve just seen a lot of road rage. Do you think there is something wrong with me, or are there others that are scared too?

Posted anonymously, 12th June 2014

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  • Hi, I actually do believe some people are not meant to drive but I am not saying you are one of them. Maybe a driving school and when you are a little more confident a driver defense course would help. Learning to be able to handle the car in tricky and difficult conditions whilst in a secure surrounding can improve your driving skills immensely. Give it a fair go and if you are still a pack of nerves maybe it is best to leave it to others. Good luck and I do hope that all will work out in the end.


  • there is nothing wrong with you. have a chat to someone, you may just need a bit of coaching, the road is a scary place but once you know what you are doing you will fit in better. just remember the bigest defence against other bad drivers is you!


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