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This is in response to a previous post talking about whether to let their children cry it out or not. Our story: we let bub self settle from birth. We would give her 5-10 minutes to settle, and then go in and help her if needbe. As a newborn she only took about 5 mins to settle. On the days she didn’t, we just rocked her to sleep. As she got older we got better at knowing when she was just grumpy and when she was really upset. If she was just fighting sleep and there was nothing else wrong we would give her 10 minutes, go in and calm her down and then give her another 10 minutes. By about 7 months she was settling without crying at all, was happy to go to sleep and happy to wake up. I’m so glad we let her self settle because it has been so great for all of us as a family. I know it doesn’t work for everyone, but just wanted to share our story 🙂
Posted by , 9th May 2013
mom94125 said
- 17 Jun 2015
Kell said
- 12 Jun 2015
mom111362 said
- 05 Feb 2015
kyliebaby22 said
- 16 Nov 2014
mom57522 said
- 20 Sep 2014
meimei said
- 25 May 2014
jodie80 said
- 19 Mar 2014
shazzbot replied
- 14 Apr 2014 , 8:39 am
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