

JUST thought I’d share a bit about my week from hell! My husband works away on the mines. Pretty much as soon as he left my two boys 3 and 5 yrs got sick. My eldest still gets bad croup so we had several nights of a seal like bark all night and in my bed. Then, my youngest had been very quiet and out of sorts got diarrhoea and vomiting and the 5 yr old complained of sore ear. Of course it was Sunday evening (hubby left on Tuesday) so i bundled the boys to the hospital after hours clinic and they both were diagnosed with ear infections and prescribed antibiotics. Luckily my mum came with us because i had to stop atty an after hour pharmacy and would have had to carry the boys in with me. Its now wed, the eldest went back to school today thanks to a friends as the 3 yr old is still vomiting with temps in the 40.s and can’t keep his meds down. Hubbies plane was delayed due to weather so fingers crossed he comes home tonight. To top it all off, i let the dog stay inside overnight because its freezing and he rewarded me with explosive diarrhoea on the only small rug in the living room. Argh

Posted by crosslef, 22nd May 2013

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  • U r an amazing woman! Keep strong…. x


  • Motherhood…..wouldnt trade it for the world!! You will look back on this with fondness in the years to come. I know thats hard to believe right now but in the blink of an eye these days have passed and a new set of bigger issues will have replaced it……Thats life so we must enjoy it in all its forms!


  • nice story to have a read


  • great story to read


  • My kids would only ever get sick when dad was away.


  • Look on the bright side, surely it can only get better. Sorry to hear about your children’s health and the dog mess.


  • i could just imagine waking up and seeing dog mess :( not fair


  • arrrr thats a crappy week. i hope it gets better


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