

I am so over being a mother in law! When I had kids, I didn’t sign up for this. I wanted them to be all kinds of things, and they are many of what I wanted, but why can’t they find decent partners? I see them stress and struggle, being miserable, trying to save a relationship……I just want to scream “You’re young, ditch him, move on, be happy. Please!” If only it were that easy

Posted by mom81879, 30th November 2015

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  • It is hard to watch especially when they used to live at home and they used to listen . Now they just want to do their own thing and make their own mistakes . Don’t worry , live your life happily and just give any hints or tips they might find handy . I think we all go through misery and happiness which is part of life ….


  • Too many young couples want everything from the very start. They are not prepared to save for “luxuries” and stress builds as financial difficulties arise.
    Couples need to work out issues together, really work at it, not just throw their hands up in the air and give up as so many do now. They need to learn to compromise. Not one person make all the decisions and “still luck” to the other partner I would say most of my friends have either broken up with their fiancees before marriage (sometimes not long before) or their marriages didn’t last long. Sometimes there was affairs involved but not all of them. One was teaching at a music school at night and he decided to start dating one of his pupils. One guy gambled everything away, including selling their car which was about 5 years old, while she was away for a few days for a Girl Guides Camp as a Leader. He decided the marriage was over before he admitted to his wife what he was doing…at the TAB. They had discussed that if either of them ever had a problem of kind no matter what they would discuss it and support each other. He didn’t give her the opportunity to help him. They had to sell the house and he told her she had better find another place before it was sold, that the marriage was over. He refused to discuss it or go for counselling or let her support him in any way.


  • yes and in all respect to you and yours, they are young! you learnt from your mistakes and are wiser so you see them making mistakes as a waste of time because you have been there and done that! let them live their lives the way that they are meant to and just chill! you can give them advice and tell them your own experiences but they have to learn for themselves. I know that it can be frustrating but you ultimately can’t control them so you have to roll with the punches.


  • I am trying. I respect they are old enough to make their own decisions, it is hard though watching them hurt


  • They have to run their own lives as they are individuals and all parents can do is be there to support them and help if needed.


  • Well, we can’t make decisions for them. They have to make them themselves. And sometimes they make mistakes. But hopefully they will realize that in time. A big hug for you! :-)


  • So sorry to hear things are hard for your kids. Try to be there and support them without judging. They will learn from their mistakes with time. They will need you and appreciate all you have done and continue to do for them in time.


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