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For the first time in I do not know how long, Hubby had a day off AND we had some money – thank you Mr Taxman!

I decided come hell or high water, we were going to the Zoo.

I spent the week explaining to madam what it was all about, and she got more and more excited. She kept asking if Dad was coming too – “mum zoo?” “yes” ….”dad zoo?” “yes”….”pram zoo?” “yes”…”Me zoo?”…

This went on for days and very cute too!

Finally the day arrived in a flurry of showers.. oh well, we will get wet…

Happily the rain cleared, leaving a lovely, albeit windy, day.

When we arrived, she hopped into her pram for about 3 seconds, hopped out of her pram, and RAN the entire way.

She roared at the lions, meowed at the meercats, and, for some obscure reason, sung twinkle twinkle to the seals..

We even let her have hot chips at the elephants as a treat, even if she did drag me (kicking and screaming) through the spider tunnel..

Finally about oneish, she started to tire (we were both wrecked!) We put her in the car.

Two minuted later, she was fast asleep. Once we were home, I thought lifting her from the car would wake her – nope, she slept through til 5.45, woke, had some tea, and was asleep again by 9.

Maybe we should do this every week!

Posted by katelt, 23rd August 2013

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