

Recently I spent 2 1/2 days with my only granddaughter Alexandra Aj as she is called. We had a delightful time. Apart from spending lots of time in the pool we did some fun things. We had a morning where we pretended to do a cooking show! Nan was the demonstrator and Alex was the assistant. We made banana and blueberry muffins , a recipe that I printed off mom the night before. She said to the audience that you could get the recipe on Moth of Mums and gave them the website! We also played Monopoly in the afternoon. That was a lot of fun too. The muffins turned out beautifully by the way.. We really loved having Alex stay with us ! She has such a lovely bubbly personality. Her brother Ryan is coming to stay for a couple of days next week so I will write a story about that too!

Posted by robyn_smithwick, 24th January 2015

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  • great to read this story


  • Grandparents are a very important part of a child’s life. Kids feel so important when nanna and pa go and watch them footy or basketball!


  • My son loves spending time with his grandparents when we go home. And they spoil him, so whats not for him to like!


  • I am having a great time with my lovely very active grandson. Will write a story about it in a week or so’s time.


  • Spending time with the grandchildren is very precious I agree. I have 6 grandsons and 1 granddaughter.


  • It sounds like you had a great time – enjoy your grandson.


  • What special memories you are making enjoy the moments they are priceless


  • My girls love playing cooking shows in the kitchen too!


  • Been a grandparent really makes you feel how blessed you are! These dear little people remind us how precious life is & how to enjoy every moment we can with them! Have fun again next week!


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