

I love how life can sometimes be spontaneous. I caught up with one of my best friends over the weekend as I needed it after a really tough week. We went into the city…had lunch and just walked around admiring buildings, allyes and just appreciating what we had around us. I then stayed for dinner and in Brisbane, the Riverfire was on. From her balcony we got a great firework show and military plane show! It was awesome!

I am so happy that I took some time out for me to recoup and remember why I love all that I do.

Posted by EllenG89, 27th September 2015

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  • yeah it is great when you are spontaneous and it turns out to be a really fun time!


  • I could do do with sone spontaneity in my life. It’s all be one so hum drum and routine. I did to get outside my box and live a little. Thanks for the inspiration


  • That sounds wonderful. I hope this week is a better one for you


  • Yep, a short break can do wonders.


  • Its great that you got some me time and to be able to spend it with your friend. Its great to be able to take time out occasionaly to treat yourself. you should try to do it more often if you can.


  • What a nice way to relax!


  • I love taking time out to explore little alleys too! There are some wonderful hidden treasures in every city. Good to hear you are having a good time.


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