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It’s been 2 years since I lost my beautiful mum to pancreatic cancer.

God decided to open his gates and take my mum suddenly from me and my family and it was very hard for me to let her go I was very close to my mum she was everything to me and life today is very hard without her, I’m still crying everyday and feel depress well let’s just say I’m not the girl I use to be.

I’m also a mother to 4 kids and my oldest daughter who is 14yrs old tells me everyday that she is worried about me, I don’t go out anymore and just stay home crying and talking to my mum and hoping someday I can get better.

I live in Qld and my mums resting place is in Sydney and it’s tearing me apart being so far away from her and visiting her and I just want my mum back but I know it’s never going to happen, has anybody else going through what I’m going through at the moment and will my pain ever go away.

Posted by dearest mom, 21st April 2014

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  • Glad to see you also posted that your seeing a doctor to help you through this, I don’t know your situation but I find that volunteering and helping out others helps me. And maybe when your having a really hard day, just take one of your kids out and have a one on one day with them. Good luck, wishing you the best.


  • Hi there Belinda,
    First of all just want to give you some huge cyber hugs!!! I feel your pain and i dont know you!
    Not really the same, but i lost a grandparent around 3 yrs ago. we were very close we would be at their house on weekends, always visit them.. My kids had a special bond also!
    He was taken away quite suddenly due to a respiratory disease.. cause was never fully determined.. i seen him the week before and was fine, then he wasnt.. So was in abit of shock!
    Im still dealing with the loss few yrs down the track! Im in deep depression atm as im just having alot of problems dealing with loss.. As well as being a full time carer for my 2 special needs children! I really get where u are coming from!! If you’d like to email me: powerfan2011@gmail.com

    Im more than happy to have a chat!! big big hugs xxxx


  • I lost my mum last year and i still pick up the phone wanting to tell mum things, im sorry for your loss and remember to take time for yourself 🙂


  • Hi Belinda, I am sending a huge hug and love through the computer waves. There has been wonderful advice given here for you. I lost my mum also she was only 58 when she had a heart attack also lost my beloved nephew at age 20 from cancer and more recently my dad due to Parkinson’s. The pain will ease with time but you will learn to cope. I am pleased to hear you have spoken to your GP. I read that another mum suggested planting a tree and I was going to suggest that also. A beautiful memory tree nurtured with love and something you can talk to. Hope you are feeling much better now and remember mum is now at peace and the love you both shared will never die.


  • I do feel for your loss, and nothing can replace a mother, however, it sounds like your grief may have crossed over into depression. I truly hope you find your happy place again as you have so much to live for.


  • Thank you everyone who has commented and left me beautiful comments and support I really do appreciated it all. As mothers day is approaching it’s going to be very hard and upsetting day for me and I’ve also seen a doctor who is helping me get through my grief and depression but it’s going to be very hard as like I said mum was my world but at least I’ve taken that step. Thank you and love to you all and have a fantastic mothers day♡♡


  • My heart goes out to you. My mother is still here so I do not know how it feels and never want to know. The only thing I would suggest is ask yourself whether or not your mum would want you to be sad or would she like if you live a long happy life full of joy, excitement and laughter because I am sure she would not want you to be sad.


  • i haven’t been through losing my mum but have had a very close relative pass away,yes it is very hard,the thing you have to think about is that your mum wouldn’t want you to be unhappy she would want you to enjoy every moment with your beautiful kids,don’t let life pass you by,i believe no matter where the resting place of a person is that person is always with you,have you talked to your doctor about this as maybe you are depressed and need some help to move on to be happier.If you are a believer in the afterlife maybe send in a note to the psychics in new idea etc,Best of luck to you,and remember that your mum would want you to be the happiest person you can.


  • You poor, poor thing. As my maternal grandma ages and her health is rapidly decling this is a huge fear of mine. Apart from my son, she is my world and I consider her like my mother. She is interstate and when I do see her I never fail to be shocked at how she looks just a little older, which scares me as I can’t imagine a life without her. Everyday I think of her teachings and sayings that have gotten me through life and made me a kinder and better person. I really hope your pain becomes easier to cope with soon. Have you though about having grief counselling. If you are like me and work all the time then there are a number of after hours hotlines you can call just to let it all out.


  • It’s so sad to hear this, it’s normal to be sad and of course miss her. No one cons give you the answer, but I would suggest maybe going and seeing counsellor, as you need to have neutral party help you.


  • she is still around you everyday . she knows that she talk to her. our spirist our always there for us . and if you talk through your mind they will understand you while they are up in heaven. I have had it happen to me .


  • Oh Belinda, how I wish I could hug you and tell you that it will all be o.k. The heart-breaking pain of losing our mothers is something we never forget. It is still very raw for you, and from the sounds of it, seeing a grief counsellor could be of help. I saw a wonderful woman who worked for a local funeral director, and she helped me enormously after my mother died. Mind you, it took me 10 years to get the courage to see someone, after I realized that, until I dealt with my grief, I would continue to exist and not live. This amazing woman didn’t magically make me better, nor did she tell me what I should do. Rather, she asked me questions, guided me to find my own answers on how I could honour my mother’s memory, and helped me to see that my mother would not have wanted me to withdraw from life through grief. And she gave me a small ornament which says “A mother is one who can take the place of all others, but whose place no-one else can take”. Wise words indeed. Please take care and be kind to yourself. xxxxxx


  • Thank you I’ve booked into see a doctor as I need the help and haven’t had the chance to grieve properly thank you everyone for all your lovely comments and support


  • I’m so sorry for everyone that has posted their stories of loss. You have all been through so much. I maybe think its time for a bit of grief counselling Belinda, if your daughter is starting to become concerned about you. Grief counselling may be a way to pour out all your emotions without reserve. I wish you all the best xxx


  • I lost my mum 5 years ago and I’m sorry i can’t tell you that the pain goes away because it doesn’t you just learn how to live and deal with it.
    Yes i miss my mum every single day, i planted a tree in honour of my mum as mum was in England so i can’t visit her final resting place, i often sit there for a couple of hours just chatting away to her which i find helps me loads.
    You will come to a point in your life when you can deal with the pain and you will actually be able to think and talk about your mum without the tears.
    Big hugs to you just remember to take each day as it comes and don’t be scared to ask for help from your doctor.

    • Thank you Kelly for your kind words I also might do the same thing and plant a tree for my mum, I am the only daughter mum had and I also have 2 brothers but I was very close to mum we shared everything together from clothes to perfume laughs just everything she was my rock she was everything to me. We talked for hours on phone even after spending the while day together we will still chat for hours on the phone so it’s still breaking my heart and I know I need some help. I’m living in qld and want to move back to Sydney so I can be closer to her resting place and be closer to my family and friends that’s what I need I have nobody here that I know so I’m missing all that as well. Thank you for your comment I really appreciate it hun X ♡

      • I know what you mean with feeling alone as all my family are also in england but honestly planting her tree has been like a life line to me and i would recommend to anyone that has lost a family member to do this.
        We also have a cherry tree in honour of my mother in law and a apple tree in honour of my brother and love tending to those as well.
        Im glad to hear you booked an appointment with your doctor hopefully they helped you.
        big hugs xx


  • The grieving process is so hard and it’s understandable that you are still upset. I would be seeking some professional help to get through this a it’s starting to affect your children


  • that was a sad one . but i will always support cancer .


  • Thank you everyone for your lovely comments and support, I’ve given my local GP a call and booking yes its very hard losing someone so close my mum was 61 and apparently she had it for a few years but had no symptoms until early October 2011 she turned yellow in colour and we took her to the hospital and the doctors ran some test and within 48 hours later they told us that my mum has pancreatic cancer and they gave her 8 weeks but mum was a fighter and lasted 6 months she passed away early April, so it was such a shock to me and at the time we found out I went through to a rough birth with my last child and had a raptured placenta I was is a really bad way but I was OK and pulled through, I just haven’t had the chance to grieve properly as I was there for support with dad and my brothers and I did celery thing like her funeral, picked the coffin, did the church etc it’s just really hard because she was everything to me, thank you everyone♡


  • So sorry for you loss, it must be tough without her. I would definitely seek her either your GP or even Lifeline


  • I’m so sorry for your loss 🙁 I can only imagine how hard this would be to deal with. I don’t know you but i think you should go and speak to your gp, especially if your 14 year old is worried about you. xx


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