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Today I want to thank my girls for something they will not understand for so many years. I have had some great New Year’s Eves and some great parties but this morning I am thankful to not have a hangover. Today I am thankful that I got to spend the evening with my beautiful family. Today I am thankful that I have had 3 hangovers in almost 4 years. Because of these beautiful girls I have not been able to turn to alcohol when the real me started emerging. I have had to face that me. It’s a me that I never really liked and never wanted to face. Facing that me has been really tough, on me, but especially on my husband and I am so grateful that he has been there to support me through this. I have avoided it for so long because it has been so painful.
I knew it would be.
But I did it.
I faced that me.
And today I get to look into the mirror and I get to like what I see. I may not be traditionally beautiful (although looking back I think I actually was but just didn’t realise it) but I am beautiful. I finally get to see what my husband sees in me. Today is the first day that I have been able to look at myself and not question why he loves me. I finally saw the beauty staring back at me.
Posted anonymously, 1st January 2015
mom66977 said
- 30 Jun 2015
mom113055 said
- 08 Apr 2015
mom93821 said
- 12 Jan 2015
mel1 said
- 03 Jan 2015
priyachirag said
- 03 Jan 2015
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