

My job can get a bit erratic at times as I am self employed. Its either all or nothing as they say.
The busiest times of the year for me are Christmas and mothers day and my story shows just how tired and unusual things can get when we try to work too many days in a row without a break.
It was the lead up to christmas and I was booked into a shopping centre for some casual leasing. As it is peak time, the centre will only let you make a minimum booking of 4 consecutive weeks. With set up this is actually 29 days in a row without a day off. Now the lead up to christmas can get pretty busy and by day 20 in a row, things were starting to get a bit fuzzy. I got ready for work as usual and complained to my partner that I was loosing weight again and all this work was clearly not good for me. He zoned out as usual until we arrived at work…..he took one look at me and ordered me to the ladies room. Whats wrong I said…Have I sat in something, had an accident….What? “Just go”, he said. You’ll know. When I got to the bathroom it became apparent that in my tired state I had actually put my trousers on backwards….not only had I done up the zipper but buttoned them as well. I roared with laughter…no wonder I thought I was loosing weight!!! The bum was at the front!!

Posted by mom73672, 9th March 2015

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  • Very funny! I once put my tracksuit pants on back to front for an early morning class – there weren’t any buttons or zippers to guide me and it was dark! I realised after the first set of exercises (in light) and went to the bathroom to put them round the right way as soon as I could!


  • Too funny, my kids do that with their uniforms a lot!


  • Lol tiredness does funny things to us mums


  • How funny is this! Thanks for sharing


  • that is funny! my hairdressing friend got to work and opened up her shop and was wondering why people were giving her funny looks back. Her first client was an older lady who asked her if she was wearing a new style of fashion to which she replied no. She was then prompted to look in the mirror to see what her client was referring to and then realised that she only had a slip on! lol she was very tired too. i shared this comment in the story section

    • also thanks for sharing your story. don’t worry, this happens to everybody at some point


  • Hope you have managed to get some rest since then! ;)


  • At least you didn’t put HIS pants on by mistake!


  • Whoops… its tough working for yourself but at least you could still laugh


  • You poor thing! I am glad you were able to see the funny side and you were definitely tired! ;)


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