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At 24 i found out i was pregnant with our first child, it was a bit of a shock to say the least but we were happy & embraced the changes that were happening in our lives.
My partner & i had been together over 4yrs but it wasn’t something we’d really discussed.
I had multiple bleeds during my pregnancy, all were put down to intercourse or just a natural occurrence and the pregnancy progressed quite well.
At 38wks we moved house (crazy right) and everything seemed to be going well, i was tired but handling everything & bubs was still moving around a lot so i figured we were still a while off anyway.
We moved Sunday, i had a beautiful big bath on Monday night as my back was a little sore from all the unpacking & moving.
Tuesday morning i woke with pains, i timed them for a bit before waking my partner & they were roughly 15min, we called the hospital who advised it’s all normal, go back to bed & try and get some sleep.
6am comes around and DP has to head off to work, we both agree he should go as he was the only one with keys for the job, he would head straight back if i felt i needed him.
Called the hospital to be sure and they said all should be fine, still about 15min apart.
After trying unuccesfully to get some rest i jumped in the shower, i have no idea how long i was there but when e water went cold and the pains ramped up i got out and on the phone to DP and the hospital.
He was going to finish what he was doing and head home, the hospital said to wait it out as still not regular past 15min.
I decided to call my mum (who lived an hr away) and have a chat, let her know it might all be happening and boy oh boy was it happening, my waters broke so mum called my partner who called my cousin to come and wait with me.
I couldn’t have him see me basically naked so i walked to the other end of the house (still talking to mum) to get changed.
I told her i needed the toilet, you can imagine her saying “no you don’t…. no you don’t ” knowing what was really happening.
I sat on the toilet and felt a bit of pain and a pop, put my hands between my legs and there were……… TWO FEET!
Needless to say we had no idea she was breech, according to all appointments she was head down & engaged so it was quite a shock to me to have 2 little blue feet sticking out of me.
My mum acted quickly and called 000, the operator Paul was amazing and conferenced mum in on our call so she could help with the delivery of her beautiful granddaughter.
15min of pushing, a lot of pauses and trying to stay calm, 20mins after my waters broke my beautiful baby girl was delivered feet first on the bathroom floor with not a soul around.
My cousin and his wife arrived (with their 4 day old son) within about a minute of her being born and the ambulance about 5min later.
Daddy arrived just after the ambulance.
Despite some minor internal tearing and a bit of shock we were both amazingly fine and the talk the hospital once we finally arrived.
She now lives her life in exactly the same way she entered the world – fast, feet first and independent.
I guess our bodies really do know what they need to do and when, i am thankful to my body, to my mother for having to endure listening and having no chance to help and to the 000 operator who talked us through it and possibly saved our lives.
I have a copy 000 call and often listen to it in amazement, it was a very crazy and unbelievable day – she’s now nearly 5 and i WILL be playing it back to her on her 21st and making her realise just what she put me through.
Posted by zarava, 28th June 2013
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