
7 Comment

My son used to be the best eater. He would eat anything put on his plate. Over the past year he started to go off his vegetables and now he will not touch any vegetable (except potato) or any food he can see any form of vegetable in. I have pureed them to hide it from him which works but wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to get him to even try them now. His food looks so bland as he also will not eat any salads. He will eat meat and chicken which i put with potatoes or rice but thats about it. Any help would be appreciated please.

Posted by sueban, 23rd October 2013

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  • Your only hope is he will grow out of it…..and soon. Most kids go through a fussy food stage


  • nice story for read


  • My girl won’t eat veggies either. I just keep putting them on her plate.


  • I’d say just keep on perserveering. It’s tough, but eventually he will eat them


  • You could try growing them with him and then maybe he will find it interesting. We go to a local farmers market and they really encourage the kids and let them taste different foods too so maybe see if there is something like that in your local area to take him along to.


  • Grated carrot & zucchini is great in sausage rolls, celery sticks with peanut butter, puréed vegetable soups can be very tasty, just call it mash. You can hide lots of fruits, veggies in smoothies, juices & I used to make fried rice & include a vegetable of every colour finely chopped. Hope this helps & good luck. Vegetable sticks with homes also comes to mind 🙂


  • I would start giving him cooking lessons start with biscuits and cakes. What he makes he has to help eat… Then I would start with a quiche. Grated carrot. Etc… Show him how you can eat raw fresh raw beans peas carrots. .. Meat balls hide grated veg in it. But I would put him on a multi vit.


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