
15 Comment

After spending most of last year deliberating whether I should go visit a Medium or Clairvoyant, I have decided to bite the bullet and spend the $150. Really looking forward to it now I have made the discission to see one, although now, after booking, I have to wait 4 months to get into the one I chose. I find it amazing this profession (naturally gifted profession of course) are so in demand… I had no idea. I hope the one I chose knows his stuff because you can never tell till once you get there. Hope 2014 is a great year for us all!

Posted by sizzlingcool, 17th January 2014

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  • Sure hope you enjoyed your experience


  • I visit 2 in my whole life and they both freaked e out how precisely right they were on certain topics .. But it scared me a little I have been to see one in over 20 years now


  • great story to read


  • Good luck. My sister is a bit of a witch and comes out with all sorts of uncanny stuff.


  • A lot of money, would love to know how it all went for you.


  • How did your visit go? sounds interesting 🙂


  • that is a lot of money to spend on something you are not sure of, but I do wish you had a good reading and it was accurate,


  • I think you go with what feels right for you


  • yeah if it makes you happy then why not


  • if it makes you ahppy go for it.


  • im not sure if im a believer in this . im still waiting for someone to tell me the lotto numbers .


  • I’m a skeptic, so since it costs so much and u want your moneys worth.
    remember to keep a staight face the whole time so they dont work off ur facial expressions.. 🙂
    good luck and let us know how you go 🙂


  • good luck with your reading 🙂


  • I was really “into it” in my 20’s and had my tea-leaves read a couple of times and went to a clairvoyant.

    Now in my 40’s I’m a bit more sceptical and probably wouldn’t do it again.

    It will be interesting to hear what she says to you when you go – I hope she has lots of positive messages for you!


  • Good luck with your reading. Remember for every amazing clairvoyant there are many duds. Some tell you lots about your future, some tell lots about your past. I’ve been to a few over the years, and probably 3 out of 8 were mind blowing and beyond impressive. If they tell you something you don’t like just think of them as duds and rebut the negative things (in your head) – only take the good 🙂


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