
24 Comment

i have had the best experience when i traveled over seas with my hubby, we got to plan thing all by our self, it was one of a very great experiences i have had, and both helping each other out and budging money together! i think its really a big thing to be able to help each other and plan stuff together without making everything a big deal.

Posted anonymously, 1st May 2014

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  • I would love to do this. I often say we should buy a campervan and just drive. No plans, just jump in and head. Stay for a day, a week, a month. No plans just drive….


  • You make it sound so easy. Travelling is not what I consider easy. Yet you did it. Well done!


  • great to read this story


  • It’s sounds like it was a wonderful bonding experience for the two of you.


  • Planning holidays can be incredibly stressful, from what to do and where to go, to how much money you should look at spending. While you have the benefit of only having to please yourself, if you travel on your own, if you’ve got someone else to share the stress with, it makes it so much easier, and you’ve got someone to share all the joys of traveling with too.


  • It really is an experience to plan a holiday together and then enjoy the benefits.


  • sounds like you had a wonderful time


  • That’s great. Glad you both had a fabulous time. I love holidays, and especially when they go well.


  • that is nice to hear 🙂


  • I’m glad to hear you had such a positive holiday experience. I hope you enjoy many more holidays together.


  • That’s lovely, thanks for sharing your experience and pleased it all worked well for you both.


  • sounds like you had a great time, I would love a great holiday overseas


  • you sound like a very sweet couple


  • It is a great thing to plan and enjoy holidays together 🙂


  • yes so true, and you also get to see the world


  • The best travelling experiences I have had are with my husband. I organize the itinery with some input from my husband and he does the driving. I love the planning of a holiday. We have been to America, Japan and New Zealand together and is the best travelling partner as he goes along with my plans.


  • it is always to do things just as a couple and you always seem to enjoy it so much more. I am glad you and hubby had a great time


  • I think couple holidays are almost like relationship tests, its the one time of year you literally spend 24 hours with each other! there’s no work, there’s no separate activities. Truly the ultimate relationship test.


  • Sounds like your travels were fantastic and you worked as a team.


  • Sounds great. My hubby and I had a fantastic overseas holiday before we had our kids. It was one of the best things we’ve ever done and has given us amazing memories of our time together before the little darlings came along.


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