3 Comment
Three days ago my eldest son fell from a 3m high plum tree. Consequently breaking his arm just above the wrist. Racing to my screaming child and seeing his bent arm I’m the first to admit if it was not my son I honestly am not sure I could have looked at his arm. We went to the local hospital and were transferred to the children’s hospital in the city. Our son even though he was in a lot of pain and never been in hospital did so well he handled it all in his stride. There were moments that he’d had enough but he handled things really well considering, I was so proud of him. I had to take him into theatre, that is where I had to draw my courage as I had to leave him with the professionals.
Day 4 and he is cast up and home, struggling to do many simple things but still trooping on.
Posted by 3xmum, 19th February 2017
june11 said
- 13 Mar 2017
mom165081 said
- 22 Feb 2017
mom81879 said
- 19 Feb 2017
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