

I have a very funny story I wanted to share with you.

My close friend was always looking for ways to save money and collecting coupons ect.

So one day she was so excited when she saw a product on ebay that guaranteed to cut all your bills in half.

She was super excited and rang me to tell me she had purchased it and it was $55.00

I told her it was a scam and nothing could cut your bills in half unless you use less electricity or gas.

She wasn’t convinced so she waited patiently for her parcel to arrive.

I was so lucky to be there the day it arrived.

It was a big box and we both wondered what could possibly be inside.

Imagine how surprised she was when she opened the box and there was a pair of scissors inside.

I guess it can well and truly cut your bills in half. lol

It was worth the $55 because I laughed for weeks.

Not to say she didn’t see the funny side .

Posted by jodie80, 17th July 2013

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  • While it is funny, it’s also concerning that people are selling $55 scissors and effectively ripping people off. And for her to buy an item online without even knowing what she’s paying for. Really?!


  • Knowing it was a “joke” when I got as far as a big box I was thinking of a shredder.


  • No way, that’s gold.


  • She cant possibly be a saver if she believes that .


  • lol funny


  • oh wow! that is redic! it wasn’t exactly a misleading post but it wasn’t what she expected. lol maybe she won’t buy “blind” items again


  • Bahahahahahaha that’s something I’d buy by accident lol!


  • That’s a scam with humour!


  • Love it! There was a bloke in the 80’s who put ads in the paper – send a dollar and he will send the secret to happiness. People sent there dollar and he would post them a letter saying “smile!”


  • Haha, yes, you got her monies worth!


  • Hahaha love it thanks for sharing this and making me smile :-)


  • Oh my gosh that is hilarious (laughing so hard here) thanks for sharing that – good to see she can also see the funny side to it.


  • Hahaha Genius!!! although that is not a good thing for your friend. :(


  • Hahaha that is hilarious!!!!! Poor your friend!!!! But Gosh I just can’t stop laughing from imagining the looks on your faces!!!!! Keep the laughter going, it’s good for the soul!:)


  • LOL that is the best scam yet, I will try this on my friends without the $55 price tag though, they need a good laugh.


  • That would have been funny!


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