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What on this planet makes our planet squirming with life and organisms? The answer is simple. Its water! Water makes up 80% of our body composition at full hydration and 70.8% of the globe in total is water, and every living thing requires water to survive and thrive. Our world is full of marketing tools and techniques which tell us what our body needs more of in order to be healthier beings, so many options being pushed forth on what to drink to sustain our busy lives in optimal health…when the first port of call is right under our noses. The water we drink influences our health and well being more than any other property in our bodies.

Before i go any further i must say one thing… that is i am not a far left wing hippy activist, i shower regularly, enjoy the perks of freshly grounded coffee and driving a car. Im just a regular mum and university student with a passionate interest in bringing people together for good causes.

This leads me to ideas surrounding water and the quality of the water we have available to us on a daily basis. this might depend on where you live, and what environmental factors influence your choices. but the water you drink has to come from somewhere. I have grown up drinking rainwater, so i am biased in opinion, i know what fresh water tastes like, if i travel to cities and towns i can taste the difference, i can buy bottled water and taste the difference, real fresh water is unbeatable. We are taught that when we need a boost we should opt for sugary, caffeine, guarana and other ‘energy boosting substitutes’, when what your body is probably craving most in this time is water but marketing and sugar craving override this first basic instinct there is often repercussions.
Thirdly remember that regardless of where you live and what lifestyle choices you make water consumption is paramount to you and the future, creating a positive relationship with water consumption for yourself and encouraging it in your children is going to be one of the best health decisions you could ever make.

also please remember that where our water comes from is not something too be overlooked, what is added to the water that we drink should not be overlooked, and what plans Australia has for maintaining the best resource on our planet for human life too be be optimal should not be overlooked, there are plenty of arguments that suggest in our society that water and the quality of water is being overlooked for a profit, given new mining techniques to get richer sources of gas that effectively destroy the water source in a given location indefinitely for a short term profit. There is currently a protest that has gained some serious momentum in the northern rivers NSW (Bentley) area, and thousands of people have come from far and wide to demonstrate their unease with the prospect of a gas drilling, knowing full well the impact it will have on the farming land and individual lives of people in the area if it continues to occur. Regardless of where you come from and the level of interest you have in HEALTH, LIVING AND THE FUTURE OF AUSTRALIAN PEOPLE. please consider the LONG TERM IMPACT and get involved either through researching it and contributing, attending informing others about the necessity of keeping this particular form of mining from causing irreversible damage to our Australia, these things have been proven its not a matter of public debate just a matter of public exposure so get up and get involved!

Enjoy your easter

Yazzie 🙂

Posted by Yasmin A, 20th April 2014

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  • Nothing beats a cold glass of water!! Especially after I devour a whole packet of salt and vinegar chips.


  • I drink three things on a regular basis – water, coffee and wine.


  • water is my favourite 🙂


  • water conservation is essential, and yes, we need to pay more attention to what is put into it


  • I consider the long term impact and try save water in any way possible…


  • What a great read.


  • haha yes coffee is the root of all evil, and yet a hard one to kick 😉 i guess im not going to suggest im preaching to the choir, everything in moderation.just often being well hydrated is not the most encouraged health tactic out there in regards to marketing and so many products with additives which increase risk of diabetes and obesity, its really quite simple. next time you feel hungry or thirsty drink a litre of water before hand and see how much better you feel.. and get involved in your local area in the preservation of fresh water resources… ignorance is not a solution, a little bit of reading and signing a few petitions can be good for the future of your children and your children’s children so on and so forth


  • my biggest craving when I was pregnant was actually water!


  • a very interesting read about water!


  • Yes I love my water. Have a bottle of it ( a drink flask from home) of it nearby me all day at work. I must admit I too love my coffee and it keeps me going throughout the working day 🙂


  • Well said Yazzie! Your passion resonates off the page and you’re so right – we take clean water for granted and it’s the most essential element (besides air) for our survival. I’m off to swap my coffee for a glass of water (ok, I might finish my coffee and THEN get a glass of water!)


  • Thank you Yazzie! Very good article and well written!


  • Thanks for the reminder…..its so easy for us with good drinking water flowing freely from our taps to take this most precious natural commodity for granted. hope our kids and grandkids and great grandkids will have great, clean water all their lives, but wonder, will they?


  • Nice column Yazzie… Water is truly amazing


  • A great article that was very well written. Water is too often taken for granted in this day and age and I suppose a lot of people don’t think to ‘do their part’ in maintaining the health of or water system.


  • You write very well Yazzie, thank you. Very formative and interesting indeed. I love water and I certainly try not to waste any, recycle where we can with it too


  • Thanks Yazzie I read your article with great interest. Water and fresh water are extremely valuable commodities that we often take for granted. My relatives from Tasmainia always complain when they come over here to see me that the taste of the water is different and that after they have a shower their hair feels different. I agree with you about the mining of gas etc. I watched a program, where this poor farmer owned his land and yet a huge corporation was able to mine gas underneath him, as technically you only own the land on top, not underground. I found the program rather unsettling, as you should have some sort of say in what is done to your land- be it on top or underground.


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