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I posted a story a few months back regarding living with a moyamoya sufferer, well after all these endless weeks of waiting Jase finally has a date being the 29th a May. Initially it was scheduled for the week prior however, there was an urgent case, we were told this could happen.
This has been the news we have been wanting but now that it’s actually booked in it seems even more scary, it’s hit me in the face, us I should say! I can’t imagine what Jase is going through except frightened out of his wits, understandable to say the least.
He’s family will be staying for a couple of weeks, being his parents which I have mixed emotions about. I love them dearly however, we live in a small 2 bedroom unit, I like my space & hope I don’t feel railroaded. I completely understand that these are his parents whom I love dearly & would never stand in the way, his dad has seen & knows to much which makes me feel rather vulnerable but I’m sure I’ll appreciate their support & company.
This time next week my man will be admitted to hospital, operated on the following day. I plan to visit my old work, have lunch with a moyamoya survivor & perhaps a visit to the
tattooist but plan to keep busy as it could be an all day op.
This is my story for now & will be sure to keep you posted.
I just,wanted to share this story, follow up in fact
Posted by sanjipanj, 22nd May 2014
mom113055 said
- 27 Apr 2015
mom113055 said
- 24 Apr 2015
3timesamum said
- 30 Jun 2014
meimei said
- 26 May 2014
scottie said
- 22 May 2014
susan_dione_epiepang said
- 22 May 2014
catgrrl3 said
- 22 May 2014
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