
12 Comment

While away on a well deserved holiday with three of my kids trying to put the past year behind us. I received some very nasty txt from my ex calling me allsorts of nasty names and accusing me of all sort of this and threatening to do all sort of stuff, I realise he was venting anger but honestly who does he think he is. I didn’t dwell on this as I wasn’t going to let it ruin our holiday. Now im back he acts as if nothing happened and expects thing to go smoothly and back to normal. Well I now im angry more so at the way he expects thing to carry on as normal. I shouldn’t be continually subjected to this type of behaviour and nor should my kids. thanks for letting me get this off my chest

Posted anonymously, 27th January 2015

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  • When this stuff happens, the best thing to do is ignore it. Don’t enter into e text field as it prolongs it. No good will come of continuing it on so you are better to try to forget it and put your energy into something productive or you are just giving it power!


  • hope that this has settled down for you! poor gal


  • You should not put up with bad behavior


  • Some days we just need to let it out… My sister listens to me and visa versa.


  • wow if i were you, i would change my number and either organize my mum/his family to relay msg’s and kids or tell him to only contact you for the kids and no other purpose. Save those msg’s and take them to your lawyer.


  • Men they think they can just treat us like dirt I hear you only thing is I cant pull myself away but im so close.


  • He sounds like he still wants some sort of control over you. Why else would he be making accusations and such while you’re not around, and through TXT of all things? Then act all normal once you return… You need your space! I am sure you don’t go around doing that to him?


  • No, you shouldn’t be subjected to it. It may be time to see a family mediator or lawyer.


  • Hope you feel a little better for venting. Good on you for trying to not let it ruin your holiday but it really shouldn’t happen. Bullying is not right at any age.

    • I agree with your comments about bullying! Well said!


  • This site is great for getting things off out chest, I hope that it stops or you are able to let him know enough is enough and you will not put up with it. As lets face it he is bulling you


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