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Have you ever had part of a song that runs around in your head, over and over? Some of mine have influenced how I think about life because they somehow made their way to my heart! They influenced how I treated others. As a young kindergarten teacher I taught my class ” When someone smiles at me, I feel like smiling too, when I see someone who is happy I feel happy too. Happy happy me, happy happy you….”. By the time we finished singing we all felt happy.That song prompted me to be the one that smiled first and as much as possible to this day I try to put on my happy face. I can’t know what kind of day someone else is having, but I know a smile sometimes breaks a sad mood.
A little older and a song that I hummed when I was a working mum was “If you can’t be with the one you love , love the one you’re with”. I gave that a meaning of treating my colleagues as extended family and tried to show kindness and thoughtfulness to them. Even though there were days when it was hard to leave the ones I love and go out to work, I still put on a happy face and I ended up still having a happy day.
Then there was “sail on silver girl, sail on by, your time has come to shine, all your dreams are on the way….” which made me glad that I had a bridge over my troubled waters when life became overshadowed by my husband’s health issues which affected his personality. My dreams really were on the way…. I learned to love my “new husband” who is the best and bravest man I know. Then my gorgeous grandchildren arrived and I was in love again! I guess this song summed up my feelings when I met each one …”It’s a wonderful world”.
Posted by eestigirl, 6th June 2014
mom113055 said
- 14 May 2015
no1ladydj said
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cherz said
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ashblonde said
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arcticwynta said
- 06 Jun 2014
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