

New parents are set to have their superannuation topped up by the federal government while on government-funded Paid Parental Leave.

If the legislation passes, eligible parents with babies born or adopted on or after 1 July 2025 will get 12% super paid into their nominated superannuation fund.

The move would benefit 180,000 families, with new parents expected to receive $3000 in super over the length of their leave, which will expand to six months from 2026.

“This is a modern policy for modern families which delivers choice, offers security and rewards aspiration,” said Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

Minister for Women, Katy Gallagher added, “We know that women continue to face difficult decisions and financial penalties when choosing to raise a family. These long-overdue changes will help ease those penalties and lessen the impact on women’s retirement savings.

“Paying super on Paid Parental Leave will complement the other work our Government is doing, including expanding the Paid Parental Leave scheme to six months and making childcare cheaper and more accessible.”

Pending the passing of the legislation, a lump sum superannuation payment would be paid following the end of each financial year, including interest, where a recipient received Paid Parental Leave. The contribution will be automatically deposited into the superannuation accounts of eligible parents.

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  • How good is life getting for parents these days. Childcare becoming more affordable, maternity and paternity paid leave now this. It’s still not perfect, but it’s coming along in leaps and bounds


  • That’s great news for anyone looking at starting or extending their families.


  • While not relevant to me, great that my future DIL and any future granddaughters will benefit from this.


  • Well it’s about time.


  • A step in the right direction for closing the gap!


  • This should have been done from the beginning and would thus have not been a part of the great divide between women and men’s superannuation balances. Pleased it will be done for future mums.


  • Definitely should have always been one from the start


  • about time


  • It’s a great idea. There’s a lot of women who miss out on a lot less super while having children.


  • Wonderful idea, wish they had this when I had babies


  • I think this is a great move.


  • This makes a lot of sense.


  • What a wonderful idea. I hope it gets passed. Let’s sort this out so we can help our future selves and ensure that this legislation is in place for future generations.


  • Great initiative. So many parents ( women especially) left without enough super for retirement.


  • It is so important to have superannuation; will be interesting to find out more details.


  • I’m sure this will be a blessing for those who benefit from this.

    • I wonder how this effects your retirement payment ?

      • Being able to fund retirement is necessary.


  • Good! It’s about time. I only wish it had been available when I took leave.


  • Very great, but parental leave is weird. Hubs works in the public health system and only had 2 weeks paid leave.


  • Great initiative, wish it was around when i was on mat leave, I could have used this with being a single parent.


  • That’s good but would be better if they could pay more or for longer so we aren’t having to go back to work straight away without daycare options due to long wait lists


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