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It’s been a Cruel Summer for parents and fans desperate to get a hold of Taylor Swift tickets for her Australian tour dates, with more than 250 people fleeced by scammers selling fake tickets.

Scammers are hacking into social media accounts and offering Taylor Swift tickets to those on the hacked account’s friends’ list.

ACCC’s Scamwatch has received 273 reports of people being scammed by purchasing The Eras Tour tickets on social media, since tickets first went on sale in Australian in June 2023. Those who have been scammed have lost more than $135,000 – with NSW leading the way with 114 reports and $54,645 lost.

“The Eras Tour is the hottest ticket in town this summer and scammers are seizing the opportunity to dupe Australian Swifties looking to buy resale tickets,” ACCC Deputy Chair Catriona Lowe said.

“This scam is a low act, seeking to take advantage of fans, many of whom are young and are desperately trying to secure a ticket to make their dream of seeing Taylor Swift live come true.”

How the Taylor Swift ticket scam works

  • You’re contacted by a friend on social media or see a post by a friend or someone you know and trust on a community page selling tickets to a Taylor Swift concert.
  • The social media post or message includes a story about why the person can’t go to the concert and is offering to sell the tickets “at cost”.
  • The scammer may ask you to pay an additional fee related to changing the ticket to your name.
  • Scammers may try and rush you to purchase the tickets and transfer money by referring to the high demand for the tickets.
  • Once paid for, you’re left without the ticket to the concert and no further contact, only to find out that your friend or acquaintance’s social media profile has been hacked.

If you are scammed, here’s what the ACCC says you should do:

  • If you have lost money, contact your bank or financial institution as soon as possible.
  • Contact the platform on which you were scammed and inform them of the circumstances surrounding the scam.
  • Help others by reporting scams to Scamwatch
  • Tell your friends and family, it helps to share your experience – they can offer support and you can help protect them from scams.

Have you seen this scam on Facebook? Did you know it was a scam? Let us know in the comments below:

  • I do hope that not too many more people will be caught up in this scam. So devastating for those who thought they were buying legitimate tickets. One has to be so careful of scammers these days.


  • I haven’t seen this one but it doesn’t matter. Scammers are so cruel and don’t care about anyone but themselves. I’d love for them to get found and charged for upsetting so many people.


  • All these scams and AI are making it so difficult to trust anything online.


  • The scams on Facebook are countless! Always fake pages commenting on competition posts sating you’ve won just click on this link


  • This is very disappointing. There are so many scams around these days.


  • I can’t believe how many people put up there hands to admit stupidity . Simple rule is if you can’t get it in your hand don’t part with anything. Ask for phone number and address.


  • It is becoming so difficult to tell the difference between a scam and a legitimate site.


  • Scammers are getting more clever!


  • Very sad how scammers make a living from the finances of trustworthy people. You must be quite sick to justify that

    • It is quite disgusting to scam people.

      • It sure is ! And they are so hard to catch

      • A taskforce to focus on this issue would no doubt be supported.


  • This is awful and people that scam should receive stiff penalties.


  • It makes you scared to buy anything online. My niece was recently scammed of $20k over a car she was selling on marketplace! Police are involved.


  • There are so many of these around now. I’m pretty clued on to the scammers, but they are getting cleverer and cleverer.


  • This happened to my friend who had her FB page hacked into and so many of her friends, including myself, reported this matter multiple times to FB and they did nothing, they said it was legit and nothing wrong with the account. It took months to finally convince them to shut down her page permanently. Every time we commented under the post that it was fake, the hacker would delete our comments. In the meantime, someone she didn’t know fell for the scam and “purchased” these tickets! Fb is partially to blame for this due to their lack of concern and due diligence to monitor these scam activities, even when they have been reported by other FB members!


  • This is so wrong. People are cruel


  • How horrible for the fans. I’m sure there were a lot of parents trying to do something nice for the kids and are now unfortunately our of pocket a decent sum.


  • What a shame this is happening


  • I am not surprised that such a popular event has attracted scammers.


  • People can be so horrible. So many scams out there 🙁


  • It is terrible that there are people out there that think it is ok to scam people. I feel for those poor people who have been scammed. You have to be extra careful these days with eveything.


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