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Essential beauty advice for mums to give their daughters.

Ever since I watched my mother get ready for a night out, I learned a lot and couldn’t resist sharing some of my favourite beauty advice.

  1. The first beauty product you should apply every day is sunscreen, even if it’s cloudy or rainy outside. The sun’s UV rays can penetrate clouds and car windows. Apply SPF 30 to your face, neck and hands.
  2. Always wash your make up off before you go to bed no matter how tired you are. Use a cleanser followed by a moisturiser.
  3. Have a positive attitude. A girl with a positive attitude will automatically be seen as more beautiful than a girl with a bad or negative attitude.
  4. Smile as much as possible. Smiling makes your inner beauty shine through. A smile also makes you seem more approachable to others.
  5. When it comes to make up, less is more! Make up should be more about highlighting and enhancing than camouflaging.
  6. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. If you are after a great drink to have first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, try my special mix. The ingredients help cleanse all the toxins and boost your immune system as well as improve the overall appearance of your skin.
  7. 3 x slices of fresh ginger, a generous squeeze of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of organic honey. Mix together in a mug before adding boiling water
  8. Never squeeze your pimples, it will leave scars. The best way to zap a zit is to crush a few aspirins to form a powder, add water to make a paste, apply to zits before bed, then cover with Band- Aids.
  9. Help your children find beauty in everything they see and in everyone they meet.
  10. A hair trim every 6 – 8 weeks does make your hair grow longer and stronger.
  11. When it comes to hair, apply less product. Hair looks more expensive when there is less goop in it.
  12. Exfoliate your lips once a week to remove dead skin and get the blood circulating. Run your toothbrush under warm water. Gently brush your lips in circular motions with the damp toothbrush. Pat your lips dry and add a little moisturizer.
  13. Go to the dentist every 6 months for a check up and ensure you floss and brush your teeth twice a day.
  14. Never keep your mascara for longer than 3 months as the germs that breed in a mascara wand are scary!
  15. Never over pluck your eye brows, the shape you were born with is perfect for your face shape and may just require a tidy up. Leave it to a professional.
  16. Get 8 hours of sleep a night.
  17. When applying your make up, start with the eyes first. Clean away any mascara or eye shadow spillage and then apply foundation for a flawless finish.
  18. Applying fragrance – spray the scent on your hairbrush. It will cling to the natural oils in your hair and make you smell delicious without overpowering.
  19. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes.
  20. Good skin and healthy hair are the result of a healthy diet. Eat as much fresh fruit, veggies and fish as possible.
  21. Only wash your hair every second or third day to prevent stripping your hair of natural oils.
  22. Apply two slices of cold cucumber to tired, red or puffy eyes.
  23. If you have stains on your nail bed from wearing dark nail polish, rub lemon juice on the nail area. The lemon juice will eliminate the stains.
  24. Sleep on satin or silk pillowcases as it creates fewer creases on your face and delays the onset of wrinkles.

Out of all these beauty tips, the one my mother taught me that works the best is to believe in yourself.

If you don’t feel it, fake it..stand up straighter and smile! The way you carry yourself has more of an impact than any beauty product you can buy.

  • Thank you Marina. A lot of useful tips here. I’m a country gal, so my kids know the slip, slop, slap routine well, but certainly not the makeup routines.

    • Glad you found the make up tips useful but the best way to care for our skin is to be sun safe! x Marina


  • Great reminders all of these, I’ve passed on the Sunscreen, 6 monthly dentist visit and a few more on to my girls but they are too young for some of the tips.


  • The one thing my Mother taught me was wear moisturiser. As soon as you hit puberty (as hormones can make your skin dry) helps to keep your skin healthy. I always have exfoliator and cleanser. Even when I go on holidays or nights away. I never forget the neck area or declapage. One with sunscreen is good for the day and as you get older, then add a night cream. I actually have been told I look younger than my 28 year old sister…. YESSSSSS lol


  • I found this is very interesting as I didnt even know most of that stuff and I wish someone had told me these things, my skin might not look so tired and sunspotted now. Hopefully young girls will listen and learn from your wonderful advice. One thing I think you could have added is to let them know and realise that if the choose to smoke cigarettes or drugs whatever, that their top lip will get those horrible deep lines as they get older and it will make them look really old and a much younger age than most ladies should. Hopefully their knowing this will help stop them taking up a bad habit that when I was young I only did because it was not a health problem, advertised widely, and no-one ever warned you of any bad consequences down the track.


  • Great list. Lots of helpful tips that all add up to healthy beautiful confident women, exactly how I want my girls to be.


  • Beautiful article!! some great tips for every age 🙂 Love the fragrance tip – going to try it out on my husband today


  • Oh I love these tips – and I think they are useful for lots of adults too not just for our daughters.


  • My absolute pleasure! The ginger is a wonderful skin and overall health benefit that should be used daily so enjoy! Marina


  • fantastic advice, thank you so much


  • Great advise a few new one nice to have in a list might print it out and give to my daughters


  • great tips, my grandmother only used oil of ulan and her skin was remarkable for her age.


  • Thanks for sharing your tips.


  • A lot of useful tips Thanks. Canvas Prints


  • Less is more, when done well. Moisturise, and wear a hat in the sun.


  • Thank you Marina for a fantastic article. I knew very few of these 🙁 (only about half a dozen). I’m totally grabbing some ginger tomorrow and trying that drink in the mornings. Thank you.


  • My mum was never really into beauty and makeup so I never really learnt and beauty tip from her other than to moisturise with vitamin E cream. I really hope I pass down what I have learnt from trail and error to my daughter so she doesn’t make the same beauty mistakes I have made in the past. I want her to feel confident and in control of her body.


  • How can sleeping on a silk pillow case delay the onset of wrinkles?? This sounds a little like an old wives tale! I will investigate further!


  • Some really good tips for everyone. There’s a couple of them that I didn’t know about.


  • Thank you – a very concise list!


  • Number 9 is most definitely my favourite. Thank you!


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