

11 Comment

Kids cry for the funniest reasons and sometimes for absolutely no reason at all. Watch the reason these kids bawled their eyes out.

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Image and video credit: YouTube

  • Some good ones there, thanks for sharing.


  • oh to be a child. crying at the slightest thing, sometimes even adults can do it/


  • Kids cry for the funniest reasons and you can’t reason with them


  • I like seeing these. They always give me a laugh.


  • To children the most important thing in their life is this moment, NOW. And if what they are doing or wanting goes wrong, then they cry. Funny video.


  • I have a threenager who is constantly upset over the smallest things, in the middle of her meltdowns she will tell us she isn’t our best friend anymore or that we are making her upset, how can you not laugh when she is saying that complete with arms crossed and pouting


  • Very funny video,kids are kids!


  • It’s so hard not to laugh when kids cry over the silliest things. Some of these are hilarious!!


  • I can relate to some of these. I cut the toast the wrong shape or wasn’t supposed to cut it at all. He wanted it done as a sandwich then changed his mind. A biscuit broke when he dropped it……I alledgedly gave him a broken biscuit– a good 5 minutes earlier. Yes, we’ve had the in the corner one. He doesn’t always cry. But tell him to go there and tell him the reason why, now you get such a tantrum, you are told “no” and he does his best to “escape”. He then gets himself time added.


  • Kids are too funny !! I couldn’t read the text by all of the clips, but I’m sure they all had very good reasons to cry 😉


  • So funny. It is amazing the reasons that kids cry. This gave me a laugh


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