
52 Comment

I love being a mum.

Yet if I were to be honest, I do occasionally find myself daydreaming about the time in my life before my son came along (usually around the time of the fifth tantrum of the morning).

That pre-baby life sits far off in the distance, like a land before time.

When I’m feeling wistful, I think of all the carefree moments that filled those days – some I wasn’t even aware of as anything worth noting until I became a mum.

So here’s my list of things I miss and daydream about. I have a sneaking suspicion that other mothers have similar lists mentally stored away, either consciously or not. I know many of these things will return to me eventually and, even if not, I’d still do it all again for the love I feel when Little Man gives me a slobbery kiss on the cheek.

1. Finishing things – I’d really miss being able to finish things like sentences, cups of tea (while still hot), the newspaper (ok, gossip magazines), tying my shoelaces and eating breakfast.

Despite loud protests, I still do manage to brush my teeth properly but only because I fear a visit to the dentist more than the daily threat posed by a Todzilla rampaging through my bathroom cupboards.

2. My brain – I used to be pretty sharp back in the day and then I got pregnancy brain. I didn’t quite get as bad as putting the milk in the cupboard and the cereal in the fridge but I was pretty close.

I could have entire conversations and half an hour later have zero recall. Words would escape me and I’d find myself mid-sentence and not quite sure what point I was getting at. Things have improved since I had my Little Man but I still feel like about 10% of my brain has permanently left the building.

3. Holidays – Ahh, the favourite set of memories that the remaining 90% of my brain wanders off to when it wants to daydream. Thailand, poolside in a resort at happy hour where they would ring a bell and you could swim up to the bar to order a cocktail before heading off for a round of spa treatments. Those were the days… no strike force planning of how to move baby from Point A to Point B with minimal distress for all parties involved. Just pure, spontaneous, do-what-I-want relaxation.

4. Feminine mystique – Since the pregnancy, my body has been poked, probed and scanned in all manner of undress. And then there was the whole birth thing, which my husband sat through with the strict instruction not to walk round to the business end for a look.

Still, he saw enough then and postpartum to ensure nothing is left to the imagination anymore.

5. Ignorance – Before my son came along, babies were little bundles of cuteness that could be handed back to their parents at the slightest sign of a funky smell or cry. Now there is no innocent ignorance. I am comprehensively aware of every bodily function or fluid possible from each orifice and have, at some point or another, worn them as some form of sad mummy accessory.

6. Lazy evenings – Once upon a time my husband and I used to come home from work, watch Deal or No Deal and then potter round in the kitchen or go out spontaneously.

Now our evenings are honed with military precision, aimed at getting our son fed, bathed and ready for bed before he crashes. Once he’s bed-ready, we have play wrestles and chase each other round the house, which is beautiful, but sometimes I long for my couch potato days.

  • I miss a few of these but i also wouldn’t want my life to be any different to what it is now as I have my beautiful daughter, who I love so much.


  • I definitely miss lazy evenings and just being able to sleep in.
    Sleep is so far off the radar, I don’t know how I’ll cope when I have to go back to work next week!!!


  • I miss video gaming, not having 100 things to wash, hang and fold! Not having 1000 dishes to wash. And tantrum and bickering free time.
    But, like everyone else here, I love my babies and life wouldn’t be complete without them!


  • Yep, I hear ya! Thanks for sharing (-:


  • I miss my baby being a baby anymore as she grows each day, I am sad that we were only to be blessed with one precious bundle and the baby days are over.
    Don’t get me wrong sleep deprivation was tough, never getting hot coffee or that baby brain that has still stuck around. But all of the amazing times and memories we have created as a family far out weigh these things.


  • I miss my weight before pregnancy! 🙂


  • Wow, I’m the opposite. I feel that my life began after my babies came into it. I can’t think of one thing I miss or would want more after my babies


  • I miss the sleep in. I plan to give payback when they are teenagers though.


  • I use to just take the car and drive where ever I want for the weekend…..can’t do that anymore. Can’t even get out of the room……let alone going away!


  • I too love being a mum the things I miss from pre baby is a clean house (I only used to do a big clean once a week now it’s every day!)Some relax time, being able to speak to hubby without having to raise my voice above the kids!


  • I miss going to the bathroom alone and relaxing after work.


  • The main point that hit home with me was the holiday times. Not so much doing whatever I wanted to do whenever I wanted. It was more being able to wear mini skirts and bikinis! When I went to hospital to meet and greet child number one, I had this whimsical idea that I would leave the hospital in my size 10 clothes because, after all, I was no longer carrying the bub! Bikini days have long gone 🙁


  • lol .. I remember when i was sick so I’d just stay in bed … and rest !!!


  • Lol so totally agree with you on all these things, some days all I want is a hot cup of tea


  • I miss being able to sleep in and have a lazy day. Also bring able to duck out quickly if I have no milk or something like that. Now it’s making sure I have everything just in case there is either a poo explosion or vomit while at the shops!


  • The one thing I really miss is going to the toilet by myself mr 3 must think I need help because he insists on following me which usually means the dog comes too


  • Oh so ! It’s been so long now that sometimes it doesn’t even feel real.


  • I miss the quietness of the house


  • Definitely finishing things is on my list too 😛


  • I used to miss sleeping in, but the kids are now big enough not to wake me up!


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