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Toss away your ironing board and iron, ’cause this easy hack will make your clothes wrinkle-free in a few minutes.

Who has time to iron anyway (I certainly don’t!) so I was super excited to learn about this simple and super cheap trick to smooth out your clothes.

This hack has been floating around the internet for years but it’s the first time I’ve tried it and let me tell you….it works!

So here’s what to do:

Simply pop two or three ice cubes in your tumble dryer and dial up the setting on high for a few minutes and hey presto, no more wrinkles.

Many have tried it out and most have given this unconventional method a big thumbs up.

So how does it work?

The ice cubes turn your dryer into a steamer. When the ice melts, the heat of the surrounding air turns the water into steam. This pretty much does the same job of an iron.

However, this really only works with a few articles in the dryer – if you overload the dryer, it won’t work.

It is suggested that you hang up clothes as soon as they are finished in the dryer can also help smooth out the wrinkles without an iron.

Some also suggest using a hairdryer to warm away the wrinkles or wipe down a wrinkly shirt with a damp towel.

Try it and let us know what you think in the comments below.

  • Interesting ….I would be interested to give this a try


  • I hate ironing but also, we don’t own a dryer!
    We had one in an apartment we lived in once and used it heaps during winter and Omg the bill!!!! So never again lol. I’d rather suffer and iron than face another bill like that.
    But I’ll only start ironing when the kids go to school as I’ll have to do their uniforms. Other than that, most of the stuff I buy isn’t that creasey material that needs ironing.


  • Think I’ll pass on this hack. My laundry gets steamed up enough without me making it worse.


  • Wow I can’t wait to try that!!! Thank you for the helpful hint. Ironing is one of my most dreaded chores.


  • I use my dryer so rarely that my ten year old recently asked me what it is.


  • Interesting method, though I never iron as well – it just takes so much time! But will definitely try this especially on linens & wrinkly clothes!

    Thanks for this nifty idea!


  • We don’t have a dryer and I never use the iron. I just don’t have time for this level of laundering.


  • Tried this! Not same as ironing, but much better than before the ice! So smart! Thanks for sharing this is the best!


  • An iron, whats that ???


  • Never heard about this method before.It’s worth to try.


  • Never heard of that before, but definitely worth a try to save those hours standing at the ironing board!


  • An even easier way to prevent wrinkles is to fold the washing as soon as the dryer is finished. This works for line dried clothes too, especially on a windy day. If you fold or hang straight from the clothesline, wrinkles are pretty much non existent


  • Wow! I have never heard this one before. I’ve just started using the woollen balls in the dryer, it’s suppposed to do similar. However, I tend not to actaully put clothes in the dryer — only linen and towels to dry them off.


  • interesting have to try this !


  • I barely use an iron at all these days, especially if I fold or hang my clothes straight from the dryer while they are still warm. So easy. I love my dryer!


  • I didn’t have any ice-cubes but what I did was wet a clean tea-towel and put it in with the clothes that needed ironing. After a few minutes I got them out and hung them up until they cooled down. Brilliant for a quick fix.


  • That’s brilliant! I hate ironing and suck at it!


  • Hesitate to try this, knowing my luck it will stuff my dryer. I eagerly iron only when it is a special occasion

    • Me too. Mine

      • Me too. I paid a motza for my dryer. Who irons anyway these days. If I have to iron something, I don’t buy it in the 1st place.


  • I don’t have a dryer, just hang the clothes out on hangers on the line.
    I still do a bit of ironing though, especially school shirts and shirts for my husband.
    Funny thing is I don’t mind ironing; I actually think it’s kind of therapeutic !! Anyone like me ?


  • Is that safe? We don’t even have an iron yet but we haven’t really had a need for one. I always pull things out of the wash and immediately straighten everything out and hang in particular ways as to dry flat but that does sound interesting. Might give it a go one day


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