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Our lives are currently a haze of family gatherings, dinner parties and pub catch-ups. And then there’s the booze. And the food. Lots of booze and food. Sounds like bucket loads of fun, right? Well, yes, but a little less so when you’re pregnant.

However, just because you’re about to welcome a little bundle of joy into the world, it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy socialising and all it entails.

Tip #1: Look after your feet

It’s highly likely you’ll find yourself standing quite a lot during a gathering, and your feet are likely to feel it.

With the added weight of the baby putting pressure on the balls of your feet and heels, popping feet cushions or heel inserts into your shoes before heading out will ensure you stay comfortable for a whole lot longer.

Tip #2: Always have deodorant handy

Because when you’re carrying a baby, you tend to get hot. All. The. Time.

Throw a mini spray deodorant in your handbag for instant freshness when you’re out and about, and amp up your anti-perspirant protection.

Tip #3: Make the most of mocktails

OK, so alcohol is basically off limits. Tough, but true.

However, instead of sulking in the corner because of your lack of boozy buzz, reach for a delicious mocktail instead.

Have fun with different tasty fruits and refreshing fizzy drinks, and you’ll soon forget you’re going sans the vodka. Promise.

Tip #4: Stash snacks in your handbag

Or, better yet, have a nibble on some pregnancy-friendly foods before you leave the house.

That way, it doesn’t matter how many ‘banned’ foods are on offer (read: cured or rare meats, eggs and soft cheeses such as brie), you’ll never find yourself feeling overly hungry.

Tip #5: Find a quiet corner

Stress is never good for the body, but it’s even more important to stay cool, calm and collected when you’re carrying an unborn child.

So, if the partygoers are getting a little wild and the music a little loud, don’t be afraid to find your own peace and quiet away from the crowd.

If the ladies’ room is your only available retreat, keeping some essentials oils in your bag is smart – the wonderful uplifting properties will soothe the mind almost instantly.

Have you ever been pregnant during party festivities? SHARE with us in the comments below.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock.com
  • It may even give you a bit of a boost too.


  • It’s definitely a lot harder when you can’t have a drink but you can still enjoy food and conversation with friends and fmaily.


  • Hard time to be social but should make the effort.


  • Yeah, ok, maybe early on. But towards the end of pregnancy, I’m just too exhausted to worry about being sociable


  • Yes thanks for your article! good tips!


  • Great tips, thank you for sharing


  • I always stayed social, no matter how tired I was.
    I’m glad I was, as it only gets harder when bub is here!

    • yeah but don’t push yourself especialy if your body is saying it needs sleep


  • Mocktails are always delicious and fun too.


  • Interesting view points, i didn’t have that trouble, even stayed at work until the day i went into labour, lol.


  • go out and enjoy yourself as the next few months you will be tired!


  • I’m dreading all the events I have in the future, I’m just going to say no & stay at home. I remember having big days with my first that I would be sick when I got home or would be hours away from home & just start crying cos all I wanted to do was go home.


  • love it as you get pampered, don’t have to help, just relax


  • sounds great


  • looks great


  • I never found it that hard to socialise while pregnant. Except being around lots of drunk people when pregnant sure isn’t fun.


  • Thanks for your article, especially tips 1 & 5. Your advice holds true for pregnancy, as well as those with medical conditions. I have an autoimmune condition, and have to plan how to use my energy, especially with four children. I can’t have alcohol because of medication, but I enjoy other beverages instead. And true good friends don’t care if you have to leave early, or if you have to pull up an extra chair to elevate your feet. The effort of going out will lift your spirits, give you something else to talk about and look forward to. And it gives you a chance to dress up in something special (just make sure its comfortable). Enjoy!

    • have a great mocktail and enjoy that instead


  • Pregnancy causes tiredness so it wasn’t easy to become a recluse. I had fun trying mock tails and challenged the bar staff to come up with new combinations. Most people were considerate with giving you a seat and understanding if you went home early.


  • Not being afraid of saying yes I can do that but might need extra wupport


  • Didn’t have an issue with alcohol as I am a non drinker but I did like your article, plenty of sensible and super tips. thanks for sharing.


  • also take breaks when you need them


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