Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not advocating selling the house and the kids along with it! We all know that selling your home can be a pretty busy and stressful time, but when you add children to the mix, things can seem even more complicated.
Here are my top tips for a less stressful sales campaign and keeping the family together.
1) Allow loads of time to de-clutter
I recommend that you allow at least 10 days to complete the de-cluttering process. Everyone who has children understands how much ‘stuff’ seems to accumulate. It can be a big, daunting task and it is made all the more difficult when you feel under pressure to get it done in record time. Tackling one room per day, you will keep the stress levels down.
2) Hit the storage shed
By the time you’ve finished de-cluttering, you’ll be a steely pro when it comes to paring back, so put that vibe to good use and hit the storage shed. If you think you can live without it for 6 weeks, pack it up and store it away. You’ll appreciate the pre-packing when moving time comes, but don’t be tempted to store these items in the garage or spare room which will just leave potential buyers feeling like the property is to small.
3) Agree a minimum advance inspection notice time with your agent
It won’t always be possible, but if you can aim to have 2 hours notice of any inspections, getting the house inspection ready is a lot less stressful. Use a list/photo checklist combo, so that nothing gets forgotten when you’re in a hurry to get out the door before the agent arrives.
4) Enlist help from a babysitter
If you can, get someone to look after the children for a couple of hours before each open house so that all preparations can be completed without them being undone as you go!
5) Use washing baskets for a quick clear
A good backup plan is invaluable. Keep the car boot empty and have a few washing baskets on hand so that you can whip around the house, gather up any mess and throw it in the back of the car when an inspection occurs at short notice.
Good luck!
Do you have anything to add to this list? SHARE with us in the comments below.
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