

Caravanning and camping holidays are a great way for families to enjoy the great outdoors together, and that should include the beloved family pet! Here are some tips when travelling with pets on holiday: 

Before you go

  • Ensure your pet is fully vaccinated and up-to-date with its registration.
  • Make sure your pet has a name tag and contact phone number on its collar.
  • Pet friendly parks all have different conditions for allowing pets, so make sure you confirm with management the caravan / holiday park’s pet policy when you enquire.
  • Check what pet friendly public parks and beaches are close by your final destination.
  • Ensure you have the proper equipment to transport your pet.
  • Take a ‘pooper scooper’ or plastic bags to keep parklands clean.
  • Take a coat or blanket for your pet. 

On the road

  • Keep your pet on their regular pet food – it’s no time for a change of diet.
  • Make sure you take your pet’s favourite part of home such as a blanket or a toy.
  • Bring grooming equipment such as dog shampoo. (You don’t want a smelly dog in a confined space.)
  • Remember your can opener for food.
  • Make sure you take munchies and treats for your pet

During your stay

  • Respect the caravan holiday park’s regulations and other campers and caravanners; don’t allow your pet to dominate the space.  Other travellers may not find your pooch or parrot as good company as you do!
  • Always pick up any dog droppings.
  • Make sure you have complete control over your pet at all times, as much for their own safety as well as others around them.
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  • We would travel with our pets but as they got older it was too hard to do!


  • My Auntie and Uncle had a cat they used to take away on holidays with them. They had 2 places they stayed at one down south and one in a westerly direction from where they lived. They took all its normal items it used every day.
    It was before the days of cat cages/beds . He would curl up on the back seat or lay flat in the back window the whole trip and sleep. He could wake up when the car had been stationary for 1/4 hour or so. When they reached their destination they always took him and his gear inside first. If they went for a drive he would be left inside with his bed where he could watch through the window if he wanted to.


  • Good to know! Very interesting! Thanks for sharing this!


  • I hate leaving my dog behind when we travel …time to plan a road trip


  • Thank you for sharing great tips and tricks


  • I always find it stressful travelling with pets :(. It’s like the kids getting upset & restless… it makes the trip seem 10 times longer :(


  • Had a few experiences with cats travelling. They don’t like it much.


  • We take our dog with us on holidays now which is on of the reasons we decided to ditch flying and buy a caravan. He loves the car and travel and is no problem. There are many caravan parks now that allow pets, with more of the Big4 parks also coming on board.

    While we’ve been on holiday and want to bath our dog we’ve had no trouble finding a mobile dog wash or even some of the car washes now have a hydro bath for dogs.

    While we’ve never been asked to provide proof of vaccination, we keep a copy of our dog’s records in the caravan, also a good idea if your pet needs to see a Vet while on holiday.

    Picture: Hydro bath at car wash in Broken Hill, his weekly wash before heading for home.

    • lol that is cool. great pic of that bath! lol


  • Taking a pet is very much like taking another child.,They need just as much attention on the road!


  • It’s always a dilemma whether to take or leave the dogs.


  • Love taking our dog with us in the car, havent been on holidays with her, she normally stays at nanna and grandpa’s house lol


  • a good article, I don’t take my pets with me


  • My husband and I have a Rottweiler, it would be so difficult to bring him to trips – he’s huge!


  • Great article , thanks for sharing


  • One of the reasons we got a van was so that we could take our pup with us on holidays


  • It would depend on where we were going and what was avaliable. I would rather someone came and looked after my babies in their own home.


  • I have 2 cats and one is a nightmare just taking him to the vets…there is no way you want to take him unless you really, really have to


  • Some great tips here, thanks for sharing


  • Thats some good advice – thanks for sharing


  • Thanks so much. Heaps of info for pet lovers


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