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It goes without saying that we all think our babies are the most beautiful creatures in the world when they’re born.

But the truth is, newborns are often pretty strange looking. So it’s only natural that the photo we use to announce our baby’s birth probably isn’t the first photo we took of our newborn.

Babies fresh out of the womb are often wrinkly, bloody, covered in vernix, sometimes poop. They’re puffy and squished and their heads can be misshapen. They truly have faces only a mother could love!

And now parents are sharing their photos, comparing the pic they sent to friends and family to announce their baby’s arrival, versus the first photo the took of their new arrival. And, as expected, the side by side images are HILARIOUS! This TikTok challenge has us absolutely unable to breathe – so if you need a good laugh, enjoy scrolling these images!


babies straight after birth

babies straight after birth

babies straight after birth

babies straight after birth

babies straight after birth

babies straight after birth

babies straight after birth

babies straight after birth

babies straight after birth

babies straight after birth

babies straight after birth

babies straight after birth

babies straight after birth

babies straight after birth

Was your baby a little strange looking when they were born? Let us know in the comments, and feel free to upload your own comparison images, we’d love to see them!

  • Ha ha ha this is hilarious. Poor little babies lol


  • Oh my….these gave me such a good giggle.


  • They can come out wrinkly, bloody, puffed up and misshapen but aw the overwhelming feel of joy and love when we first laid our eyes on our babies !


  • The real world. Just gorgeous and amazing. Of course they’re not the one’s you use to announce but so good they are out there as many new Mums have no idea that this is the reality.


  • We never shared early photos of our babies and kept them private and to ourselves. Never thought about the appearance of our babies; only having our beautiful babies arrive safely despite extremely difficult births.


  • Older mothers would not have seen these raw glimpses of newborns.


  • To be honest, worrying about a photo of my newborn who has just arrived into this world is not a priority. All babies are gorgeous in there own way.


  • They look pretty normal for a newborn to me!


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