

While it may not be the heart of the home, the bathroom is the absolute workhorse of the house, and by the time spring rolls around, it deserves some much-needed attention!

While the weekly clean makes sure the toilets are sparkling, the vanity is wiped, the shower’s spiffy, the loo roll restocked and the floor mopped, how often do you give your bathrooms a deep clean? If it’s been a while, now is the perfect time to get into the nitty gritty and spring clean your bathrooms, ready for the warmer weather.

We’ve put together this handy guide so you can tick off all of those bathroom jobs that tend to get forgotten in the weekly clean. We’re talking getting into every nook and cranny!

Ultimate Bathroom Spring Clean Guide

Bathroom Spring Cleaning Guide

From scrubbing and scouring to getting into those spots you’ve completely forgotten about, this guide will take you through everything you need to do to get your bathrooms sparkling for spring!

Bathroom Spring Clean: What You Need

Before we get into the actual cleaning jobs that need to be done, it’s worth preparing your cleaning kit with the tools of the trade.

It’s not a huge list, and you’ve probably got everything you need, but if not, a quick trip to Bunnings and a look through the Vileda range will have you sorted in no time!

Time To Clean!

Throw on some tunes and old clothes and get ready to whip your bathrooms into shape!

Step 1: Prep the bathroom

To make sure you can thoroughly clean the bathroom, you’ll need to remove everything that isn’t nailed down! From plants, to the toilet brush, towels, handwash – anything that’s removable needs to be placed outside of the bathroom so you have a good working space and can get to every surface.

This includes going through the vanity and shower and removing everything. It’s a great way to stocktake and see what needs to be replaced as well!

Step 2: Start at the top

Bathroom Spring Clean Guide

It only makes sense to start a spring clean from the very top of the room. So take a look at the ceiling and start there. From dust to cobwebs, using the Vileda Bath Magic Cleaning System is a super easy and effective way to get rid of the built up grime on your ceiling.

You’ll also need to get into your exhaust fan and clean that out – you’ll be surprised how much dust is built up in there. A quick wipe with a microfibre cloth and some water will do the trick.

Step 3: Tackle the walls

Vileda Bath Magic Cleaning System

Before you start this job, add disinfectant in the toilet bowl so it can sit and work its magic and spray the entire toilet with cleaner and let it sit. Also add disinfectant to the bathtub and shower area. 

Whether you have tiles or panelling, the walls will also need a good scrub, and the Vileda Bath Magic Cleaning System is again the easiest way to get on top of the job. And with the Bath Magic Cleaning System Refill, popping on a fresh, non-scratch scourer is simple, and means you can keep tackling those tough stains without stopping!

After scrubbing down, tackle the grout with a grout brush and then give everything a once-over with a dry microfibre cloth to remove any dust.

Don’t forget any windowsills, door frames, arcs and skirts – they are a dust magnet!

Step 4: Toilet time

Now that the toilet has had time to soak, you can easily get it ship shape. Give everything an extra good scrub, and wipe dry.

Step 5: The Vanity

Vileda Microfibre Colours – multi-purpose cloths

Start with the taps and give everything a good scrub with Vileda Microfibre Colours cloths – they remove more than 99% of bacteria with just water. Work your way down to the vanity top, the outside and the inside of the vanity, checking that the drain is working well. If not, you may need to clean it out to get rid of any hair blocking it.

Step 5: The Bath

If your bathroom has a bath, it should be next on your list. A good scrub inside and out and it will be sparkling in no time, especially now that the disinfectant has had time to sit and work its magic. Pay attention to the drain, and if need be, remove any hair or debris that’s become stuck.

Step 6: The Shower

Vileda Bath Magic Cleaning System

Now the disinfectant has been sitting for a while, use the Vileda Bath Magic Cleaning System to get into all of the tiled areas. Use microfibre cloths to get the shower screen and fixtures sparkling and check the drain for any blockages. You can also remove your shower head and soak it in a 50-50 solution of vinegar and water to remove any build-up, just check that it’s safe if you have brass or other types of metal finishes.

Step 7: The Floor

Rinse Clean Spin Mop & Bucket System (2)

Now it’s time for the final step, cleaning the floors. Start by giving the floors a sweep to pick up anything that’s been transferred from the ceilings, walls or vanity cleaning.

Whether you have tiles or floorboards, the Rinse Clean Spin Mop & Bucket System is the perfect way to give the floors a deep clean, and get into every corner and crevasse, even if you have a freestanding bath. It’s also great for mopping the shower floor. Just keep an Easy Wring Rinse Clean Refill handy so you can change heads between areas if necessary, or swap out the heads if the area is really grimy!

And that’s it! You should have a gleaming bathroom ready for spring!

How To Keep Your Bathroom Sparkling All Spring

ProMist Max Flip Spray Mop
Vileda ProMist Max Plus Spray Mop


Now that the bathrooms are shiny, smelling fresh and completely ready for the warmer months, it’s worth keeping them that way! Adding a couple of small extras into your weekly routine will make your work so much easier.

Floors: In between mopping, use the Vileda ProMist Max Plus Spray Mop to keep the mess at bay. Just spray and mop and those muddy footprints or stray toothpaste is gone, without having to bring out the mop and bucket. And the mop head can be popped into the washing machine and used over and over. Just remember to grab a ProMist Max Spray Mop Microfibre Refill or the ProMist Max Scrub Refill so you always have a clean head ready to go!

Vanity: Keep a microfibre cloth in the vanity for quick wipes every morning, and to keep the vanity and skirts dust free throughout the week.

Shower and tiled surfaces: Keep your Vileda Bath Magic Cleaning System handy throughout spring to give the shower and tiles a quick once over if things are getting grubby. Honestly, it’s a game-changer!

We’re working with Vileda to bring you this article. For more than 70 years Vileda has helped millions of homes to sparkle – all over the world. They believe a home only feels like home when it’s clean, and they’ve always been ambitious to set the standard in cleaning innovative products that make household cleaning as easy and efficient as possible.

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  • A spotlessly clean bathroom just makes you feel better.


  • If you have tiles with dirty or mouldy grout I highly recommend using Oxygen Bleach! Much safer than conventional bleach etc and the results are pretty much instant, just mix some up with water, scrub with a brush, it will lighten and clean before your eyes, best bathroom product I have ever used! Also great for the tile grout around the kitchen sink.


  • Vileda has such amazing products


  • Going to get stuck into the bathrooms this weekend, get them feeling fresh. The worst culprit for me is the bathroom cupboard, filled with beauty products I just *had* to have but haven’t opened. Maybe I’ll have more then one dignity bag to make up this year!


  • This article will be helpful for many readers.


  • I keep my bathroom fairly clean all year round with a steamer, but we could definitely look at the exhaust fans.


  • I recently did this, I didn’t do the walls tho, it’s so gratifying seeing the end result after all the effort


  • I love a clean bathroom but man it is one job I always leave till the end to do because I hate it so much and then I never get round to it. It’s one of those jobs I wish I had a fairy godmother to click her fingers and it sparkled


  • I really need to get in and give my house a good old clean!


  • I have slate tiles throughout my house and would love these cleaning aides


  • This is a great article, inspiring me to get my bathrooms done this week! I love a good spring clean.


  • I use my cobweb broom to clean the ceiling fan. Not brave enough to try and pull it apart to clean it.


  • I love a good spring clean and declutter


  • Makes me feel a bit more motivated to get this done!


  • I would also love a spring cleaning break down for the kitchen. That’s the most daunting room!


  • Thank you for this article, it’s just what I needed to give me the cleaning inspo I need to get the job done. My bathroom fan has been screaming to be dusted for a few weeks now, and I’ll have to keep an eye out on that bathroom sponge mop.


  • Spring does get you in the mood to do the big cleaning jobs. Have been making a list in my head.
    My favorite thing is to take out everything from the bathroom. It makes cleaning it so much easier.


  • I would really love to be able to have the uninterrupted time to do a full spring clean. A 2 year old thinks otherwise ????


  • Now after reading this I am getting motivated to start spring cleaning


  • Oh I love this article.


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