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Choosing a unique boy name that has just the right amount of spunk and zest just got a whole lot easier with our mammoth list.

As unique baby boy names go, everything old is new again. If you’re searching for the perfect moniker to bestow on your son, head back into the history books (and we’re talking way before the 2000’s!). Biblical and historical names are still rare enough to be unique, but tame enough to please most grandparents. Or you could delve into different cultures and regions – their most popular names are usually far harder to find elsewhere in the world.

Another great way to find unique baby boy names is to trace back your family heritage. And don’t just look at first names, why not check out what your great, great, great grandfather’s middle name was? Or your great, great grandmother’s maiden name. There’s inspiration for very rare baby names that aren’t on the most popular lists if you look hard enough. And that’s what we’re done!

Here are more than 700 unique boy names for one-of-a-kind babies.

782 unique boy names

  1. Abe
  2. Ace
  3. Achilles
  4. Adam
  5. Adrian
  6. Ahmed
  7. Ahmir
  8. Ahuva
  9. Ahyoka
  10. Aiden
  11. Ajani
  12. Alaric
  13. Albert
  14. Alberto
  15. Albion
  16. Alden
  17. Alejandro
  18. Alessandro
  19. Alex
  20. Alexander
  21. Alexzander
  22. Alfonso
  23. Alfred
  24. Alfredo
  25. Alijah
  26. Alonzo
  27. Alvin
  28. Amador
  29. Ambrose
  30. Amir
  31. Anders
  32. Andre
  33. Andrea
  34. Andrew
  35. Ang
  36. Angus
  37. Antoine
  38. Apollo
  39. Arbor
  40. Archer
  41. Aren
  42. Ari
  43. Arlo
  44. Armondo
  45. Armstrong
  46. Arnie
  47. Arrow
  48. Arturo
  49. Arvin
  50. Asa
  51. Asher
  52. Ashish
  53. Ashton
  54. Astro
  55. Atticus
  56. Augustine
  57. Augustus
  58. Austin
  59. Avery
  60. Avi
  61. Axel
  62. Axton
  63. Bailey
  64. Baron
  65. Barrett
  66. Barton
  67. Bassel
  68. Beau
  69. Beck
  70. Beckett
  71. Bentley
  72. Benton
  73. Berechiah
  74. Bergen
  75. Bertram
  76. Blaine
  77. Blake
  78. Booker
  79. Bowie
  80. Braden
  81. Bradley
  82. Brady
  83. Braiden
  84. Branch
  85. Braxton
  86. Brecken
  87. Brent
  88. Brett
  89. Brian
  90. Brody
  91. Brogan
  92. Brookes
  93. Bruce
  94. Bruno
  95. Bryson
  96. Buck
  97. Buford
  98. Burke
  99. Cadogan
  100. Caedyn
  101. Caleb
  102. Callum
  103. Calvin
  104. Camden
  105. Cameron
  106. Cario
  107. Carl
  108. Carlisle
  109. Carlos
  110. Carson
  111. Carter
  112. Carver
  113. Cary
  114. Casimi
  115. Caspian
  116. Cato
  117. Cecil
  118. Cedric
  119. Cedrick
  120. Cesar
  121. Chadwick
  122. Chance
  123. Chandler
  124. Chang
  125. Charsley
  126. Chase
  127. Chauncey
  128. Cheyne
  129. Christian
  130. Christophe
  131. Christopher
  132. Churchill
  133. Cian
  134. Clancy
  135. Clarence
  136. Claude
  137. Cleo
  138. Cliff
  139. Clint
  140. Clive
  141. Clyde
  142. Colby
  143. Cole
  144. Colin
  145. Collins
  146. Colt
  147. Colton
  148. Connor
  149. Conrad
  150. Cornelius
  151. Cornell
  152. Cosmo
  153. Crew
  154. Cristiano
  155. Curtis
  156. Dahl
  157. Dakota
  158. Dalbert
  159. Dale
  160. Dalton
  161. Damien
  162. Damon
  163. Daniel
  164. Darius
  165. Darnell
  166. Darren
  167. Darwin
  168. Dashiell
  169. David
  170. Dawson
  171. Dax
  172. Daylen
  173. Deacon
  174. Dean
  175. Declan
  176. Demetrius
  177. Denzel
  178. Derek
  179. Desmond
  180. Devin
  181. Dewey
  182. Dillon
  183. Dimitri
  184. Dion
  185. Dominic
  186. Draco
  187. Dru
  188. Duke
  189. Duncan
  190. Dustin
  191. Dwayne
  192. Dylan
  193. Eagan
  194. Eamon
  195. Earl
  196. Eason
  197. Edbert
  198. Edgar
  199. Edmar
  200. Edmond
  201. Edric
  202. Eduardo
  203. Edwin
  204. Ekon
  205. Elbert
  206. Eldric
  207. Elian
  208. Elias
  209. Elie
  210. Elliott
  211. Ellis
  212. Elmer
  213. Elmo
  214. Elon
  215. Elton
  216. Elwood
  217. Emanuel
  218. Emerson
  219. Emery
  220. Emilio
  221. Emmet
  222. Ephraim
  223. Erik
  224. Ernest
  225. Erskine
  226. Esau
  227. Essam
  228. Esteban
  229. Ethan
  230. Eugene
  231. Evans
  232. Everest
  233. Everet
  234. Ezekiel
  235. Ezra
  236. Felix
  237. Fenwick
  238. Finlay
  239. Finn
  240. Finnegan
  241. Firth
  242. Fitch
  243. Fitz
  244. Fitzgerald
  245. Fletcher
  246. Flint
  247. Floyd
  248. Flynn
  249. Ford
  250. Fox
  251. Frances
  252. Francis
  253. Franklin
  254. Frederick
  255. Gabe
  256. Gabriel
  257. Gael
  258. Galileo
  259. Garrison
  260. Garth
  261. Gary
  262. Gene
  263. George
  264. Gerardo
  265. Giancarlo
  266. Gideon
  267. Giles
  268. Giovanni
  269. Gordon
  270. Grady
  271. Grant
  272. Grantham
  273. Gray
  274. Grayson
  275. Gregory
  276. Greyson
  277. Griffin
  278. Grover
  279. Gruaidh
  280. Gunner
  281. Gus
  282. Gustavo
  283. Hadley
  284. Hal
  285. Hamilton
  286. Hank
  287. Hannibal
  288. Hans
  289. Hardwin
  290. Hardy
  291. Harlem
  292. Harley
  293. Harnan
  294. Harold
  295. Harry
  296. Hart
  297. Harvey
  298. Hasani
  299. Hassan
  300. Hayden
  301. Hayes
  302. Hendrix
  303. Henley
  304. Herbert
  305. Herschel
  306. Hezekiah
  307. Hobart
  308. Holden
  309. Homer
  310. Horace
  311. Horatio
  312. Howard
  313. Howie
  314. Hubert
  315. Hudson
  316. Hugh
  317. Hugo
  318. Hunter
  319. Huntley
  320. Ian
  321. Ibrahim
  322. Idris
  323. Iggy
  324. Ira
  325. Irvin
  326. Irving
  327. Isaac
  328. Isaiah
  329. Ishmael
  330. Ivan
  331. Izaak
  332. Izaiah
  333. Jabaar
  334. Jabari
  335. Jack
  336. Jackson
  337. Jacob
  338. Jacque
  339. Jacques
  340. Jagger
  341. Jahan
  342. Jaiden
  343. Jaime
  344. Jamieson
  345. Jamin
  346. Jason
  347. Jasper
  348. Javier
  349. Jax
  350. Jaxon
  351. Jay
  352. Jean
  353. Jedediah
  354. Jeffery
  355. Jensen
  356. Jeremiah
  357. Jericho
  358. Jermaine
  359. Jerry
  360. Jessie
  361. Jett
  362. Joel
  363. Joffrey
  364. Johan
  365. John
  366. Johnathan
  367. Jonah
  368. Jonas
  369. Jorge
  370. Joseph
  371. Joshua
  372. Jovanni
  373. Judah
  374. Jude
  375. Julius
  376. Jupiter
  377. Justin
  378. Kaden
  379. Kaedyn
  380. Kai
  381. Kaiser
  382. Karl
  383. Karter
  384. Kayden
  385. Keane
  386. Keanu
  387. Keaton
  388. Kelvin
  389. Kendrick
  390. Kenley
  391. Kennady
  392. Kenneth
  393. Kent
  394. Keoni
  395. Kerrigan
  396. Khalid
  397. Khalil
  398. Kieran
  399. Kiley
  400. Killian
  401. Kimoni
  402. King
  403. Kit
  404. Knox
  405. Kody
  406. Kofi
  407. Kojii
  408. Kole
  409. Kye
  410. Kyle
  411. Kyng
  412. Kyrie
  413. Laiken
  414. Laird
  415. Lamar
  416. Lancelot
  417. Landen
  418. Langston
  419. Laramie
  420. Laris
  421. Larkin
  422. Larry
  423. Laurence
  424. Lawson
  425. Lee
  426. Leighton
  427. Lem
  428. Lennox
  429. Leo
  430. Leon
  431. Leonard
  432. Leonidas
  433. Leroy
  434. Levi
  435. Lex
  436. Liam
  437. Lin
  438. Linus
  439. Lionel
  440. Lloyd
  441. Logan
  442. Lonnie
  443. Louie
  444. Lowell
  445. Lucas
  446. Lucian
  447. Luigi
  448. Lukas
  449. Luther
  450. Lyle
  451. Lyle
  452. Lynx
  453. Maddox
  454. Malakai
  455. Malcolm
  456. Malik
  457. Manuel
  458. Marcel
  459. Marco
  460. Marcus
  461. Mario
  462. Marion
  463. Markus
  464. Marlon
  465. Marquis
  466. Mars
  467. Marv
  468. Marvin
  469. Mason
  470. Mateo
  471. Mathias
  472. Matteo
  473. Matthias
  474. Maurice
  475. Maverick
  476. Max
  477. Maynard
  478. McKenzie
  479. Melvin
  480. Memphis
  481. Mercer
  482. Merrick
  483. Merrill
  484. Mervin
  485. Meyer
  486. Micah
  487. Michael
  488. Mies
  489. Miguel
  490. Miles
  491. Milo
  492. Milton
  493. Miquita
  494. Misael
  495. Misha
  496. Mitchell
  497. Mohammed
  498. Montana
  499. Morrow
  500. Morton
  501. Moses
  502. Moshe
  503. Muhammad
  504. Murray
  505. Mychael
  506. Naeem
  507. Napoleon
  508. Nasir
  509. Nate
  510. Ned
  511. Nelson
  512. Ngan
  513. Nicholas
  514. Nico
  515. Nihad
  516. Nilo
  517. Nino
  518. Nixon
  519. Noah
  520. Noam
  521. Noble
  522. Nolan
  523. Norman
  524. Nowell
  525. Oberon
  526. Octavio
  527. Odion
  528. Odyssey
  529. Oliver
  530. Ollie
  531. Omar
  532. Orion
  533. Orme
  534. Orson
  535. Orville
  536. Oscar
  537. Ossie
  538. Oswald
  539. Otis
  540. Otto
  541. Owen
  542. Palmer
  543. Parker
  544. Parminder
  545. Paschal
  546. Patrick
  547. Pawandeep
  548. Paxley
  549. Payton
  550. Peak
  551. Penn
  552. Perry
  553. Peyton
  554. Pharaoh
  555. Phineas
  556. Phoenix
  557. Pierre
  558. Pike
  559. Porter
  560. Prescott
  561. Presley
  562. Preston
  563. Prince
  564. Puma
  565. Quaid
  566. Quentin
  567. Quincy
  568. Quinn
  569. Raanan
  570. Radcliff
  571. Radlee
  572. Rafael
  573. Rafe
  574. Raffiel
  575. Raiden
  576. Ralph
  577. Ramiro
  578. Ramone
  579. Ramsay
  580. Randolph
  581. Ranger
  582. Ranjeet
  583. Ranjit
  584. Raphael
  585. Rashad
  586. Rashidi
  587. Rashpal
  588. Ratnakara
  589. Ravi
  590. Reagen
  591. Reed
  592. Reese
  593. Reggie
  594. Reginald
  595. Remi
  596. Remington
  597. Reuben
  598. Rex
  599. Reynolds
  600. Riot
  601. River
  602. Roberto
  603. Rocket
  604. Roderick
  605. Rogan
  606. Roger
  607. Rohan
  608. Roman
  609. Romare
  610. Rome
  611. Romero
  612. Ronan
  613. Ronin
  614. Rooney
  615. Rory
  616. Roscoe
  617. Ross
  618. Rotem
  619. Rowan
  620. Roy
  621. Royce
  622. Ruben
  623. Rudy
  624. Rufus
  625. Russell
  626. Ryan
  627. Ryder
  628. Saar
  629. Samson
  630. Samuel
  631. Saul
  632. Sawyer
  633. Saxon
  634. Scout
  635. Seamus
  636. Seaton
  637. Selma
  638. Sergio
  639. Seth
  640. Shadi
  641. Shane
  642. Shaw
  643. Shawn
  644. Sheldon
  645. Sherlock
  646. Shia
  647. Shiloh
  648. Silas
  649. Simeon
  650. Simon
  651. Solar
  652. Soren
  653. Spencer
  654. Stanley
  655. Stark
  656. Steel
  657. Stellan
  658. Stephen
  659. Stone
  660. Stuart
  661. Sullivan
  662. Summit
  663. Tancredi
  664. Tao
  665. Taran
  666. Tashi
  667. Teddy
  668. Tenneson
  669. Terrance
  670. Terrell
  671. Terrence
  672. Terrick
  673. Thaddeus
  674. Thaia
  675. Thamen
  676. Thane
  677. Thatcher
  678. Theo
  679. Theodore
  680. Theon
  681. Thormund
  682. Thurston
  683. Timarion
  684. Timothy
  685. Tirion
  686. Titan
  687. Titus
  688. Tobias
  689. Toby
  690. Todd
  691. Tommiah
  692. Tony
  693. Torin
  694. Tormund
  695. Toulane
  696. Tourin
  697. Townley
  698. Tracy
  699. Trenay
  700. Trent
  701. Trenton
  702. Trevor
  703. Tripp
  704. Tristan
  705. Tu
  706. Tucker
  707. Tupper
  708. Turner
  709. Ty
  710. Tycho
  711. Tyl
  712. Tyler
  713. Tyne
  714. Tyreese
  715. Tyrion
  716. Ulises
  717. Ulysses
  718. Valentin
  719. Vance
  720. Vano
  721. Verlyn
  722. Vermont
  723. Vicente
  724. Victor
  725. Vihaan
  726. Vin
  727. Vito
  728. Vivaan
  729. Volante
  730. Voss
  731. Wade
  732. Wagner
  733. Walker
  734. Ward
  735. Warren
  736. Washington
  737. Watson
  738. Waylon
  739. Wells
  740. Wesley
  741. West
  742. Weston
  743. Whitman
  744. Wilbur
  745. Wilder
  746. Will
  747. Willie
  748. Willson
  749. Wilmer
  750. Wilson
  751. Wing
  752. Winslow
  753. Winston
  754. Wolf
  755. Worth
  756. Wyatt
  757. Wyeth
  758. Xavier
  759. Xavier
  760. Yanel
  761. Yannick
  762. Youssef
  763. Yu
  764. Yuno
  765. Yuri
  766. Yusuf
  767. Zachariah
  768. Zachary
  769. Zack
  770. Zain
  771. Zander
  772. Zane
  773. Zaxton
  774. Zayden
  775. Zayn
  776. Zee
  777. Zeke
  778. Zephyr
  779. Zeus
  780. Zion
  781. Zubin
  782. Zyaire

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Do you know anyone who has used any of these baby names?


  • Wow that’s a long list, but my son’s name didn’t make the cut. It is a unique one


  • I was surprised that both my boy’s names are on this list. I thought if it was unique they wouldn’t be on there.


  • Awesome list but not all of them are super unique


  • Both my boys are there. Gosh there are so many names


  • My son’s first name didn’t make the list but his middle name is which is a family name


  • Both my boys made it to the list. Correct spelling too!


  • My son name is there…and its a normal name not some unusual


  • Some good, ok and interesting names there.


  • 2 of 3 of my kids names up their


  • Both my boys names are on there and they are not unique.


  • Some of these arevery unique. But slot of these are common names. Both of my boys names are on there!


  • That is a very long list. There’s many names on there that are familiar to me.


  • Some of these are quite cool.


  • Makes me tired just looking at the list – doubt I would name my boy ‘Carver’ though. It sounds too much like a gangster’s name to me. Have fun with your choices, and thanks for sharing the list.


  • I’m sorry, Remington? That’s a hairdryer…


  • Well if your pregnant with a boy and looking for something different this list is for you. I actually like a lot of these names on the list, my partner wouldn’t. My boys names are not on there but they are just as good.


  • That’s a long list. My boy’s names aren’t on there but they’re not considered unique. Surprisingly though neither of them have kids in the same year level with the same name. So they’re not unique but nor are they common.


  • I don’t think names like Adam, Daniel, Toby and the like are really unique…


  • We always found boys names easier! Great options


  • My son’s name made the list! And he is nothing if not unique!


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