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Has you ever wondered why men are so hopeless when they have the “man flu”? Watch as this Mum, blogger Meredith Masony, shares her hilarious version of Mum vs Dad cold.

Her video which she posted on Facebook has gone viral with more than 20 million views and almost 400 thousand shares across the world.

Has your husband had the dreaded ‘man flu’?

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Image credit: Shutterstock

  • Sadly the video has been removed


  • My hubby is a big sook when sick, it’s like yes the only person to ever be sick. He doesn’t move much when he’s sick


  • Lol, men are such big babies when they are sick.


  • hahahahhaa my husband tried to tell me he doesn’t get manflu…mmmhmmm


  • Hahahahahahaha, this is absolutely hilarious. My hubby heard the video and came in to watch it! Luckily, he never suffers from man flu. He gets a cold and deals with it quietly. In fact, he recovers so quickly, it drives me nuts. However, my 15 year old son gets man flu. Terrible man/boy flu. I must show him this.


  • Hehehe, that’s hilarious indeed !


  • Hilarious – this is just so RIGHT – they do get better as they get older.


  • Hilariously well done.


  • LOL. Can’t generalise too much, my dad and hubby aren’t like that (although my brother – biggest man flu baby ever!!)


  • Ha! Ha! Some men are really like that. And quite hypochondriac too!! 🙂


  • Hehehe, so true. I often ask my husband if I have to bring him to the hospital when he has a flue or cold 😉


  • Yep they are just big babies man up a little.. When i had a operation a year ago and was meant to be off my feet for a week.. He took the time off but did nothing at all. I still had to take care of the kids and cook tea etc… Next time dont take time off work… I will have one less person to look after..


  • So true, I know exactly how she feels!


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